Southern Spice (Southern Desires Series Book 1) Page 9
Derrick had stayed on the ranch too long. If he didn’t leave now, he was going to have to face the memories all over again. They were already haunting him more than he expected. It was as though Casey was opening up feelings he wasn’t ready to deal with . . .
And never will be.
Chapter Seven
Casey couldn’t believe she’d actually left the comforts of Derrick’s home, with its central air conditioning, a bed you would have found in a luxury hotel, and a view that one could look at for hours and never get bored. Now sitting in what was going to be her accommodations for the next few nights, she questioned her judgment.
Maybe I acted too fast. What did leaving actually accomplish? We hardly saw each other anyway. But the problem was that when they did, there were sparks. Casey wanted that man, and it was wrong. She wasn’t here on vacation. And even if she was, a hookup wasn’t something she’d ever done before.
Lying on the hard bunk, she closed her eyes and thought how he’d made her melt in his arms with only the touch of his lips. If he hadn’t pulled away . . . don’t even think it, Casey. Nothing happened and nothing will. He isn’t interested. He can barely stand the sight of me.
This wasn’t the first time she’d faced rejection. Her boyfriend through four years of college had rejected her too. Right before graduation he went back to his ex, even after declaring his forever love to her. That man had been gutless and couldn’t even face her with the truth. She found out the hard way, through a mutual friend. Maybe she wasn’t the sort of woman who would ever find a forever love. At my age, you would think I’d read and understood that memo by now. Not that I see anything like that in Derrick Nash. He is too closed off, too hard. Distant. Caring. Gentle. No, he is brash and arrogant. But his kisses are from heaven. Her head was spinning and she felt like her heart was breaking. Derrick Nash does not want me. I saw the look in his eyes. Do what I’m here to do and move on.
She had thrown herself into work the last few years, driving hard, trying to prove she had what it would take to be a field supervisor. It wasn’t easy to receive a promotion, especially for anyone who reported to JT. It meant working twice as hard as her coworkers. That dedication came with a price: never having a social life. But it was something she was willing to do to achieve her goal. So much easier without Derrick close by. At least I’ll be able to think clearly. Somehow, Mr. Nash, you’ve become a distraction. A sweet one, but one nonetheless. One I can’t afford. I wonder if your dreams were haunted by the memory of that kiss last night too.
Casey could feel herself blush with her vivid thoughts. Never thought I’d be lying in a jail cell, fantasizing about Mr. Derrick Nash. Is this what jail does to a person? If so I need to ask for a room with a door.
Casey chuckled softly.
“Glad you find this situation funny.”
Casey’s eyes flew open at the sound of Derrick’s voice. Pulling herself up to sit on the bunk, she asked, “What are you doing here?”
He stood with his arms crossed in front of him looking down at her. “Better question is why are you here?”
You. Me. And what cannot be. “It will be easier for the folks here to get the information needed if I’m close by.”
He arched his brow, then in a dry tone said, “How about the truth?”
“That is the truth.” A very small part of it but true nonetheless.
Derrick only stared at her, not uttering a word. If he was trying to make her feel uncomfortable, it was working. Her cheeks flushed again under his gaze.
“Is there a reason why you’re in a—?”
“Jail cell?”
It sounded too ridiculous to even say but what else could she call it? “I’m not under arrest.”
“Good, then let’s go.” She looked at him questioningly. “You’re not spending the night here.”
“It’s the only available space at the moment.”
Derrick said again more firmly, “You can either get up and come with me on your own, or I’ll pick your ass up and carry you out of here.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” Casey said as she stood up and put her hands on her hips.
Derrick’s response was to bend down and flip her over his right shoulder, her butt high in the air and her head hanging over his back. She pounded on his back with her hands. “Put me down.”
He ignored her and walked out of the cell and into the main office area.
“What the hell are you doing, Derrick? Put her down,” Jack demanded.
Derrick didn’t release his hold on her. She wished she could see what was going on, but all she could do was feel the muscles in his back tighten. Oh God. Don’t let this turn violent.
“Put me down, Derrick. I can walk by myself,” Casey pleaded.
“Get out of the way, Jack. This does not concern you,” Derrick barked.
“You’re in my office, Derrick, so, yes, this is my damn business. Now put her down,” Jack spat back.
Derrick moved forward with her still over his shoulder. She knew Jack wasn’t going to let him leave like this. It was up to her once again to calm the situation. From her position, it was hard to do anything but concede defeat.
“It’s okay, Sheriff,” Casey said. “I want to go with him.” Even if she could make it sound believable, no one would ever take her word for it in the position she was in. “Derrick. Please put me down so we can get out of here.”
Derrick stopped and slid her off his shoulder but didn’t release his hold on her. Taking her hand in his, he led the way out of the office, and she followed. She was so embarrassed by his caveman actions. This drama was something you would expect from teenagers, not grown adults, and definitely not one that was here representing a federal agency.
“Where are we going?”
Without looking back at her, he said, “To the ranch.”
She could have refused and put up a fight, and she knew Jack would intervene, but deep inside, she wanted to go with him. What she didn’t know was why he wanted her there. She was only bringing him pain. Letting her stay here was what was best for him.
“You don’t have to do this, you know. I truly am okay staying here.” He didn’t say anything as he opened the passenger door and ushered her inside. She saw Jack standing in the doorway of his office watching, so she smiled and gave him a quick wave. Before Derrick could close the door, Casey said, “What about my things? I need them to do my job.”
He shut the door and walked around to the driver’s side and got in. “I’ll send McLean for them.”
“We’re right here.”
She saw Sissie approaching and noticed Derrick looked like he couldn’t start the truck fast enough.
“It looks like you found her. I knew if you wanted to, you’d find Casey.”
She looked at Sissie then to Derrick, who seemed to be ignoring them both. Since he didn’t want to divulge any information, she knew who would. “I didn’t realize I was missing.”
“Well, when anyone calls me, then I know it’s serious, even when they try to play it off like it ain’t nothing. You had this one over here all tied up in knots.” Sissie pointed to Derrick.
Casey watched his jaw twitch. His patience was slipping quickly and from the stories Sissie had told earlier, it wasn’t smart to sit around and wait for it to disappear totally. “Just a misunderstanding. Everything is all set now, but we have to run. I have a lot of work to finish before the night is over.”
“You work too hard, bless your heart. Derrick, you better get this girl home.”
Home? Not even close. She wasn’t sure where home was anymore. Because of the constant travel, she had decided to live with her parents. Her brothers were only home when they were on leave from the service. But with their parents no longer there, Buffalo didn’t feel much like home either. It was just a vacant building, waiting for someone to fill it with laughter again. I’m not sure that will happen. What is in Buffalo to bring everyone back? Nothing. Somehow the ranch was comfortable and part of her re
ally wanted to be back there, with him. The other part was scared to death of what was to come next.
Derrick threw the truck in reverse, and soon they were heading out of town. Casey wanted to bring up the subject again as to why he came after her, but he drove with his focus solely on the road ahead. She wasn’t naïve. He was purposely avoiding eye contact with her. Why on earth did he manhandle me back at the sheriff’s office? Why bother? By Jack’s reaction, he isn’t being forced to take me back, and he’s made it clear I am not welcome. Can this be about his pride? Did my leaving make a dent in his pride? Is he worried what others may think of him? That I had been kicked out? In some respects, thinking this was about pride made her feel a little disappointed. It might be cooler at the ranch, but right now the jail seemed to be a friendlier place.
She was exhausted and didn’t actually mind the quiet. She reached on the side of the seat for the lever and reclined so she could look at the vast collection of stars through the large glass sunroof.
“It’s really beautiful.”
“What is?”
“The sky. Don’t you ever just stop and look up?” Casey asked.
His hands tightened on the steering wheel. “No.”
Casey reached for the lever again and brought her seat upright. She looked at him closely and asked, “Why not?”
Derrick swerved the truck hard to the right and brought it to a quick stop. Turning to face her he said angrily, “You know damn well why.”
She was taken back by his words. He’d dragged her away and was angry with her for being there? None of this was making any sense to her.
“Do I?”
He smacked the steering wheel with the palm of his hand. “Damn it, woman. Don’t play games with me.”
His reaction was so strong she was afraid to push any more, but she needed him to talk to her. May be wiser to talk when we aren’t out in the boonies alone with no witnesses.
She reached out and touched his hand gently. “I can only guess.”
He closed his eyes as her fingers glided over his. She felt him relax a bit, but not relinquish control. She wasn’t sure if it was possible for him to do so at this point.
“Derrick, talk to me. Why did you come get me? Why take me back to the ranch? I know you don’t want me there.”
He opened his eyes, and they were dark and full of . . . want? “Did I say I didn’t want you there?”
“No,” she said, her pulse beginning to race as he touched her with his eyes. She wanted more, everything. Right now, right here, she wanted him to reach out and take her in his arms and make love to her. I need to get hold of myself. I have no idea what’s really going on. Don’t jump to conclusions. This is about his pride being bruised. That’s all.
Derrick reached out and touched her cheek with the back of his hand. She leaned into it closing her eyes.
“Why did you leave, Casey?” His touch felt so tender and his voice sounded sincere.
Tell him? Don’t tell him? I lose either way. The internal battle was only beginning. She wasn’t sure of the truth at this point. Had she left because it was the best thing for her? Casey had gotten scared. Not because of what he did, but because of the feelings she felt. She wasn’t prepared for such a strong reaction or having such a strong desire when he’d kissed her. Even now when he looked at her, she felt her body yearn for his touch. There was no way she could admit that to him when she wasn’t ready to admit it to herself.
“I’m not really sure,” Casey said softly.
Derrick leaned in closer to her. She could feel his hot breath on her as he spoke. “Was it because of this?”
He moved slowly, making her anticipation build, then placed his lips on hers so delicately that a moan escaped her. Derrick traced her lips with his tongue ever so slowly. Such sweet torture. Never had anyone given so much with just a kiss. That’s southern spice for you. Derrick, you sure know how to turn on the heat.
Then Derrick reached out and pulled her closer to him. Her hands were gripping at his shirt, and she could feel his solid chest beneath. She wanted to feel his hot flesh, and not through any clothing.
Derrick must have had the same inclination as she felt his hand slide under her shirt and cup her breast. “Oh, Derrick.” Her voice trembled as she whispered his name.
He moaned and claimed her lips fiercely. She could feel the need within him, and it excited her. His mouth left her and trailed down her neck. Her T-shirt was now pulled up, revealing her bra. Her nipples ached for his attention.
The dark of the night began to lighten from a red flashing light. When Derrick lifted his mouth from hers, she realized they were no longer alone. Casey raised her hands trying to straighten her shirt. She felt so exposed with the lights on her, and she needed to cover up.
The bright light from a flashlight streamed in the truck and an unfamiliar voice asked, “You need some help?”
She almost burst out laughing. No, he is managing fine all by himself, thank you.
“You’re going to need help if you don’t get that flashlight off us,” Derrick warned.
It didn’t move totally, but she could tell his hand was not near as steady as it had been a moment before. “Sir. This is a no parking zone. If you don’t move your veh- veh-vehicle immediately, I will . . . um . . . will have it towed, and you’ll be spending the night behind bars.”
Oh, back to square one where this all started. At least my things are still there. This time, the door to the cell would be closed. “Derrick—”
“It’s okay.” He kissed her on the forehead then scooted away from her and turned his attention to the man who was quickly losing control of the situation. “Listen, kid. If you knew what was good for you, you would call my plates in and then move along. Understand?”
“Sir, you need to step out of the car,” he said.
“And you need to call Jack.”
“Ja—, I mean, Sheriff Bullard has gone home for the night.”
Derrick got out of the truck and said, “Then I’ll call him.” He reached for his cell phone, which was on the dashboard.
“Sir. You’re obstructing justice.”
Derrick ignored him and scrolled until he found Jack’s number. Putting the phone on speaker setting, he waited for him to pick up.
“Did she give you hell for being such an ass earlier?” Jack asked when he answered.
Derrick laughed. “She’s not the issue. You seem to have a new deputy here who is taking his job too seriously.”
“And what are you doing that has his attention?” Jack inquired.
Casey blushed and hoped Derrick wouldn’t be honest, but she was worried about the wrong one.
“Sheriff, they were neckin’ on the side of the road.”
Jack burst out laughing over the phone, and Derrick followed suit. “Necking? Deputy, get your butt back in the car and leave these two alone.”
The deputy looked extremely uncomfortable but said, “Yes, sir.” Without even saying anything to her or Derrick, he walked back to his vehicle that still had its emergency lights flashing and pulled away.
“Thanks, Jack,” Derrick said.
Jack added, “Thank me by obeying the law and finish what you started when you get home.”
Casey covered her face, completely embarrassed. She was a grown woman, a professional woman at that, yet she was behaving like a lovesick teenager. I was never this bad when I was that age. What power does this man have over me that makes me lose my mind? And can he please laugh more. He’s a completely different man. Less . . . tense. Much more relaxed. I really like him like this. Is this the way he was before the accident? Can he become that man again?
Derrick disconnected the call and threw the phone back on the dash. He climbed back into the truck and started it again. She was thankful he didn’t make any comment about what had just transpired. The moment may have been lost, but not forgotten. As least not for me.
Chapter Eight
What am I doing? I was supposed to be on
my way to the airport to get the hell away from this place and from her. Derrick couldn’t even look at her right now. Her scent still lingered in his nostrils, and he could almost feel her skin, which was as smooth as silk. He knew he shouldn’t want her, but he couldn’t stop himself. From the moment he pulled her from that wreck, every nerve in his body had come to life again.
When he showed up at Jack’s office, he only intended to give her a piece of his mind for disregarding his request to butt out of his personal life. Instead, when he saw her lying on the bunk, he lost it. Her cheeks had been flushed, and her expression looked like she was having an erotic dream. And I wanted to make it come true.
If he wasn’t so disgusted with his behavior he would laugh. He’d actually picked Casey up and carried her out of there against her will. When did I become a Neanderthal?
Once they were driving to the ranch, he debated how to explain his actions. He thought about telling her he reconsidered the point of being more hands-on with the townsfolk but the way he blew off Sissie and Jack, that probably wasn’t going to help convince her of his change of heart. Besides this really didn’t have anything to do with him. All he had wanted was to know why she left abruptly. If she could have just answered him honestly, then nothing would have happened between them.
But she’d been evasive and coy. Did she know what it did to him each time her tongue darted out and licked her lips when she looked at him? And how her brown eyes blazed with desire? The harder he tried to resist, the more he wanted her. Just one kiss was all I wanted, but once I tasted those sweet lips, I couldn’t stop. If it hadn’t been for the deputy interrupting us, I would’ve pulled her onto my lap and showed her what she did to me.
Derrick gripped the steering wheel tightly, filled with frustration as they approached the house. If he couldn’t control himself on the side of the road, there was no way he could hold back once they entered the house. There was only one thing he could do. Damn it.
As the F350 came to a stop, he didn’t turn it off. Instead, he put it in park and turned to face Casey. She was looking at the house, her fingers entwined nervously on her lap. He knew he could have her tonight. All he had to do was touch her, and she would melt in his arms. But how would that change tomorrow? He would still be an arrogant ass, and she would still be the FEMA agent selling a bag of lies.