Southern Exposure (Southern Desires Series Book 2) Read online

Page 7

  She started her car and headed to work. There was no point in worrying about it. The possibility of losing the house was fast becoming a reality. She knew there was no way Mark and Don could make the vacant second-floor apartment safe by Friday. There wasn’t even a bathroom floor, and the kitchen wasn’t much better. At least Mark and Don will have a place to stay until the bank kicks us all out. I don’t know where they’ll go afterward, but I’m sure those two will find someone to hire them. Maybe I should write them a letter of recommendation.

  Hannah burst out laughing as she thought to herself what Mark’s would say.

  To whom it may concern,

  I recommend Mark Collins to work shirtless. Also, his butt looks fantastic in jeans. He’s great with his hands.

  P.S. He also knows first aid.

  She had to wipe the tears from her cheeks, picturing his next potential employer reading it. I’m sure he’d have a line waiting to hire him.

  Then her laughter stopped. She didn’t want to think of him working for another woman. That sexy shirtless man was for her enjoyment only. I never liked sharing as a child, I guess I haven’t outgrown it.

  She was almost at the diner when she saw a huge truck pulling away from the hardware store. They didn’t normally get large deliveries mid-week. Whatever it was, she was sure the driver had stopped at the diner for breakfast, so she’d soon have the scoop. One thing about a small town—everyone talks. And that’s why I don’t want to live in one anymore. Everyone talks but that doesn’t mean they have their facts right.

  She remembered the rumor that she’d left home because she was pregnant and didn’t want her father to know. Her father had called her to ask if it was true. He was both relieved and crushed to find it wasn’t. He’d said he wanted to be a grandpa. Hannah had promised he would be when the time was right. Yet another promise I couldn’t keep, Dad. But neither of us knew how little time you had. I really miss you, Dad. It’s not fair. First Mom and then you. Why did you both have to be taken away so young? If only I’d known, I never would’ve gone away to college. I would’ve spent every moment here with you making more memories.

  She was tired of counting all the times she’d let him down. The last promise she’d made was about that darn house. Once that one was broken, she’d have nothing left. Closing the door on that would be bittersweet. She would have to live with regret instead of the endless need to make it work, when no matter how hard she tried she was bound to fail.

  As she got out of her car, she told herself to put her sweet southern smile on. She’d become a wonderful actress over the past few years. No one could tell if she was faking it or not. Well, no one except Bailey. Guess that’s what a best friend is for.

  Pulling her cell phone out, she debated calling her. She never knew what Bailey was doing. Some nights she did standup comedy, and some days she worked as a certified nursing assistant. The last thing she wanted to do was wake her. So instead she sent a text. It’ll give her time to think of a nice way to tell me no.

  What was it that she wanted to ask? If she sounded desperate, Bailey would be worried, and that wasn’t what she wanted. Really just texting and saying I could use a hug is probably too much. But accurate.

  She put her phone back in her purse. No matter what she texted, Bailey would read right through it.

  Just before she entered the diner, her phone dinged. Reaching back in her purse, she pulled it out. Bailey.

  A smile came across her face as she read the message. One that only a best friend would send.

  Miss you. I am boarding a plane today, so you better make up the guest room for me. If you don’t let me come this time, you’ll never get that pink sweater you let me borrow ten years ago.

  She loved Bailey. I can always count on you to make me laugh. Hannah didn’t need to wait to respond.

  Can’t wait to see you. So much to tell you, but I’m sure you’ll see for yourself when you get here.

  Now all she needed was to get through the day at the diner, go home, and clean the house like a mad woman. It wasn’t what one would call messy, but the two men coming and going left a trail of dust and dirt on her floors, and their tools were quickly piling up. Who knows, maybe the maid will clean it while I’m out.

  “Mark, you’re asking too much.”

  “What’s the matter? You’ve been spending so much time behind a camera that you can’t handle a field job anymore?”

  Don shot him a look. “Look at this bathroom. Who the hell in their right mind runs the electrical wires under the tub and shower? And besides that, the wires aren’t even grounded. I’m shocked this place hasn’t gone up in smoke.”

  Mark wasn’t going to dispute that. There were more signs of amateur repairs, which he hadn’t shown Don. Doing so might cause him to pack up and leave.

  “Since we gutted the bathroom, moving the wires shouldn’t be an issue.”

  “Mark, quit trying to make this seem easy.”

  Quit trying to make it seem impossible. Nothing is impossible if you want it bad enough. His entire career was based on that theory. It kept him and his men alive through some impossible situations.

  “The truck is pulling up. You better tell me quickly if we tell the men to bring it in or return it.”

  Don didn’t answer him right away. He stood in the bathroom doorway rubbing his chin, as though he was plotting out each step to calculate the odds of completion. Mark wanted to tell him to hurry the fuck up. Standing there was wasting valuable time. Time was their enemy. Don had expedited the order of a double-wide tub shower, vanity, stove, and refrigerator. This was one of the times it came in handy to have a friend rich as shit. But he also needed him and his genius to get the house up and running.

  “Call it, Don. Stay or return,” Mark said, his patience wearing thin.

  “Keep it. And make sure they bring it all up here and leave it in the living room. Any time we can save right now is going to make a difference. Hope you’re up for pulling some twenty-hour days.”

  Mark smiled and patted Don on the back. “Didn’t know there was anything less.”

  He opened the window and yelled to the men who were standing by the delivery truck. “Bring it in. Bring it up.” Then he grabbed his tool belt to get started on ripping out the remaining boards.

  “Don, are you sure this is going to fit?”

  “That is something you should’ve thought of before you had me order it.”

  Don walked over and looked at the box then went back to the bathroom to measure. He was shaking his head. I’m counting on you right now. Don’t give me any bad news, buddy.

  “What’s on the other side of this wall?”

  “That guy’s apartment that you’re supposed to be keeping an eye on for me,” Mark said softly because he didn’t want that bit of information getting out.

  “How can I listen when I don’t understand a fucking thing he says?”

  Mark raised a brow. “What does that mean? If he’s talking too quietly, I can get you some equipment to help.”

  Don shook his head. “Won’t help. It’s not in English.” Before Mark could ask, he raised his hand and said, “If you want to know what it sounds like, then I suggest we switch rooms. I’ll take your guest room with the bed, and you can have my room with the folding cot from like World War II. Really, why was this shit in their house?”

  Mark wasn’t sure if Don was acting difficult so he could change his accommodations or if there really was something going on that he needed to research. Either way, he needed to find a way to get into that guy’s apartment. His gut was saying something was off, but he’d been so distracted with Hannah he’d let a few things slip. That wasn’t like him. And it’s not going to happen again.

  “One night, Don. That’s all. I’ll take your cot.”

  Don smiled. “Great. And you know the saying if you see it rocking don’t com—”

  “Shut the fuck up, Don.”

  Don burst out laughing while grabbing the sledge hamme
r. “Too easy. Way too fucking easy.”

  Don was right. When it came to Hannah, he didn’t play. That didn’t mean what he felt for her was anything more than great concern and empathy for her situation. All he wanted to do was help her and leave. And that is exactly what I’m going to do.

  But to do this, he needed a way to ensure Hannah didn’t see the apartments until they were done and they were heading out. That was going to be far from easy. If he told her not to come upstairs, then she’d be there in a heartbeat just to be defiant. Don was no help; she’d never take anything he said seriously.

  I could put locks on the doors and not give her the keys. He knew that’d be a big red flag that he was hiding something. As he picked up the breathing mask, he knew exactly what to say. It wasn’t a lie and was a viable reason why she couldn’t enter. This place is filled with mold and asbestos. Both hazardous to your health. There is no way you should enter until we professionals have it all removed.

  “What are you smiling about over there, Mark?”

  He looked and Don and said, “I love it when a plan comes together.”

  “And I love it when you’re working while planning. Now get your ass moving already. Or did you forget we are shooting for a miracle here?”

  He ignored Don. He was working with an entirely different attitude now. He felt confident that his plan was going to work. And it wasn’t even a lie. The place was far from up to code for a rental, but he and Don were going to change that. When they left, she was going to have her feet planted on solid ground. He wouldn’t need to worry about her.

  Of course, this all was betting on her believing him. If she caught wind that the repair was so much more than what she’d requested, he was sure he’d find out what she meant by her “southern temper.”

  I can picture your sweet green eyes turning dark with fire. Just like the fiery passion I saw in you when you lay in my arms. Deny it, but we both know it’s the truth. Just one problem, I can’t and won’t give you what you want. Sorry, baby, I know you’re hurting, but I hope it makes you feel better to know that you’re not suffering alone. And hopefully when I’m gone you’ll be stronger and able to move forward.

  No amount of cold showers were going to lessen his desire for her. That didn’t change the facts though. He was not going to touch her. All he needed to do was keep enough distance between them and in a few weeks when this job was done, she could find someone who could fit into her sweet little home here. Because a home is not a place I can afford to want. And someone there waiting for me to return would add a stress that’d affect my team.

  I won’t let that happen.

  They will always come first.

  Chapter Six

  What Hannah thought would be a bad day had turned around quickly. Everything at work went smoothly. She even had one of her biggest tip days yet. Which was good, since what she made was no longer just covering Mark, but Don as well. Feeding two burly men would stretch her more, but she could exist on salads since she still had a garden growing behind her house, Men working as hard as they were needed substantial meals. Can’t let those muscles go to waste. God . . . his muscles.

  If she hadn’t blushed thinking about the last time she went to check, she would be looking forward to seeing how much progress they had made. She knew it was a lot of work, but then again Mark spoke as though he had everything under control. Somehow, even though she didn’t want to, she took him at his word. Besides there were things she was trying to avoid. Like seeing Mark shirtless.

  As she pulled into the driveway, she could already hear the power tools. She was glad they were busy. She needed to get things ready for Bailey. She’d stopped at the market on the way home and picked up a few things. Not that she didn’t cook for the guys, but the last time she saw Bailey she was on a low-carb, all natural health kick. Granted that was a great way to live, but on such a fixed income, eating healthy wasn’t in the picture. Well, it’s going to be for a few days though.

  “You want a hand?”

  Mark’s deep voice startled her as she was leaning into the door of her car and trying to lift the bags. When she spun around the fresh fruits in the bag she was holding started to tumble to the ground. Mark’s reflexes were impressive. He took the bag from her, and like a professional juggler, was able to catch the loose apples as they fell. His hands were moving so quickly her eyes were barely able to keep up. Then he placed them back in the bag before he reached in the back seat of her car and grabbed the rest.

  “I’ll carry. You get the door.” Mark didn’t wait for a response and was already halfway up the steps before she even grabbed her purse.

  Sure. Thanks. Oh, wait. It wasn’t a question, was it? You just take control and forget who the boss is here. Hannah followed him, opened the door, and refused to say one word to him. He put her bags on the kitchen table and stood looking at her. Look all you want, but I am not going to speak first. Not even to say thank you.

  She started emptying the bags and putting away the items that needed to be refrigerated first. In the heat, it wouldn’t take long for groceries to perish. Hannah avoided eye contact with him, hoping he would get the hint and go away. Instead, she saw his feet planted on the same spot with his hands on his hips. You don’t know me if you think I am going to give in.

  There were a few bags on the other side of him. First she tried reaching around him, then decided to go the long way. There was no way she’d say “excuse me” to break the silence. He needed to learn some southern manners and ask, not assume. When you don’t ask, you get the cold shoulder. No matter how handsome you are.

  As she walked around the table and reached for the bag, she heard soft laughter coming from Mark. You think this is funny? I don’t. I have work to do and so do you. Now leave because I’m not getting shit done with you here.

  Hannah continued putting things in the refrigerator. Then the laughter got louder. Damn you, Mark. She was no longer looking where she put things, practically throwing them on the shelf.

  When she turned to grab something else off the table, she slammed right into him. He’d moved closer to her once again without being heard. Is he a ninja or something? No one as big as him should be this quiet.

  Hannah didn’t step back. She didn’t look up. Her hands were by her side as she turned her head as far to the right as she could manage. I am not budging, Mark. So what’s your next move?

  He had one. One that she’d not expected. His hand came up and turned her face to look up at him.

  “Is there something you want to say to me?” Mark asked in a serious tone.

  A million things. “Yes, there is. It appears you can’t afford a shirt. I am willing to purchase one for you if you need me to.” She didn’t smile, and her tone was dry. If that didn’t get him to let go, she wasn’t sure what else to try. Threatening him hadn’t worked the other day either.

  “It’s hot.” His eyes never left hers as his thumb traced her jaw.

  Yes, you’re hot. I mean it’s hot. Shit. You’ve got me freaking hot. This is not supposed to be happening. I wanted to make a point and you getting me all hot and wet for you wasn’t it. “Mark, please.” Instead of the demanding tone she wanted, it was a soft, seductive plead.

  He was eager to give her what she apparently was begging him for. His lips claimed hers so tenderly she couldn’t stop herself from melting against him. Pulling away and telling him to stop was the farthest thing from her mind. She was tired of fighting this fire that had been building from the moment she first laid eyes on him. I want him. More than I ever thought I’d want anyone.

  Slipping her arms around his neck, she pulled herself closer to meet his embrace. Hannah felt his body tense as she pressed her body against his. He sucked in a breath. “Hannah.” Mark reached down and cupped her bottom, careful to avoid her puncture wound, pulling her up into his arms. Her legs wrapped tightly around his waist. His lips hungrily took hers. Neither held back as they wildly explored each other.

  This is th
e piece of heaven I’ve been yearning for. I want more, no, I need more. She boldly ran her hands over his broad shoulders, down his biceps, and then back up.

  His lips left hers, and she was disappointed until she felt them on her neck, nipping and sucking as he lifted her even higher into his arms.

  “You smell sweet,” he mumbled against her throat. “Like a meadow of honeysuckle.”

  Flames of desire shot through her like bolts of lightning. He was all man, rough and tough, yet his touch and words were tender, loving.

  “Mark . . .”

  He continued kissing her neck and moving downward. “I know.” He took one hand from her bottom and cupped her breast through her blouse. He licked from her collarbone to her breast, unbuttoning her shirt as his tongue trailed down her cleavage.

  Her nipples were waiting impatiently for him to rip her clothes off and give them the attention they needed. His fingers unfastened the last button, and she arched her back offering herself to him. “I want—”

  “Hey Hannah, I’m h—” came Bailey’s voice from behind Hannah. “Oh, shit. Sorry.”

  Shit. Bailey. How did I forget? She tried to pull herself away from Mark. He loosened his grip, so her feet touched the floor, but she was still pressed up against him. She knew why. He was hard and needing her just as much as she needed him.

  This is not the time to think about how much either of us wants or doesn’t want each other. My best friend is right behind me, and I want to crawl under the kitchen table and hide.

  There was no use. She was going to have to face her. From the look on Mark’s face she wasn’t leaving.