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Table For Two: Barrington Billionaire's Series: Book Two Page 7

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” She’d heard of the Barrington family. Who hadn’t? They were one of the richest and most powerful families in Boston and very close with the Hendersons. One thing she had learned over the years was that money didn’t make someone happy. They had problems like everyone else, just different ones.

  “Oh, it’s only man troubles, but sometimes those can be the worst kind. She met this man, Dax Marshall, who has her tied up in knots. You know when you want to kiss but kill them at the same time?” Tessa understood that feeling all too well at the moment. “Well, that is what Kenzi is facing. She’ll be okay. I gave her some sound advice.”

  Tessa held back her laughter. She could only imagine what Kenzi had been told. Best I keep my issues to myself.

  “Don’t forget we have to pick up your contact lenses on the way back. You really need to stop hiding yourself behind those big rimmed glasses and baggy clothes. You’re such a beautiful woman; you need to let that shine so everyone can see it. If I may suggest, I would go home and throw out all the clothes in your closet, or donate them, but never, and I mean never, wear them again. Unless you want to be a single woman for the rest of your life.”

  That wasn’t her future plan, but dressing like this all the time might be stretching it. She had to admit, she did feel different. Was it confident or sexy? Whichever it was, she kind of liked it. “Lexi, can you do me a huge favor?”

  She smiled and responded, “You just name it.”

  You really should find out what the request is before agreeing. I think I have my work cut for me, too. “Do you think you can cover the phones for me for the remainder of today? It’s been awhile since I have been home to visit my parents in Denfield, Connecticut, and if I don’t get out of Boston early, I’ll never get there.”

  Lexi gave her a hug and said, “Finally you’re thinking straight. You go and don’t worry about a thing. It’s Friday. What can go wrong? Everyone has their party hats on and have already checked out.”

  If Lexi thought that was going to ease her mind, she was wrong. Even as Tessa headed off to her parents, there was an uneasy feeling hovering over her. She wasn’t sure what it was, but somehow she knew something big was about to happen, and she wasn’t going to be there to stop it. Too late to turn back now. Sometimes you just have to let the dice roll and hope you don’t get snake eyes.

  Right now there was only one thought on her mind, and that was putting as much distance between her and Dean as she could. She needed to pull herself together. What happened today could not and would not ever repeat itself.

  Dean had rung Tessa’s number a few times throughout the afternoon. Was she sitting there looking at the caller ID and ignoring him, or was she actually away from her desk? He could tell by the look on her face when she ran out of his office that he had crossed the line. Never had he acted so aggressively with a woman before. What was it about her that made him lose his common sense, his self-control?

  It didn’t matter if she worked for Dax Marshall or not. He owed her an apology. If that meant going down to HR and cornering her until she listened to what he had to say, then he would do so.

  Getting up from behind his desk he headed out of the office. “If anyone calls, tell them I’m gone for the day.”

  “Have a great weekend, Mr. Henderson.” Brittany-Lynn said.

  Dean stopped in his tracks at the sound of his name. “You too, and call me Dean.”

  It was the first time he had noticed her smile since her first day. Not shocking. He knew he kept everyone on edge around him. No one was here to make friends. This was a business and he ran it as such. Maybe he could ease up just a bit. But one mistake and you’re out.

  When he got off the elevator, he headed for Tessa’s office. As he walked down the hall he saw a familiar face, one that stopped him dead in his tracks, one he had not seen in almost ten years. “What are you doing here?”

  “Well, well, well, if it ain’t Dean Henderson. I heard you were back in the city.”

  “Yeah, bad news travels fast,” Dean said seriously. “You never answered my question. Why are you sitting at a desk in my HR department?”

  “I am your new employee as of this morning,” Lexi said, beaming.

  He looked around for Tessa, but she was nowhere in sight. Another hire he knew nothing about. Dean needed to set some ground rules with her. He knew Lexi and Willa through Kenzi. All would have been fine if this is Willa working in an office, but if this was Lexi, then this department was in more trouble than he knew about. Judging by the outfit, he feared it was Lexi.

  “Willa, right?” Dean asked hopefully.

  Lexi rolled her eyes and answered, “Really? Why can’t anyone tell us apart? We don’t look anything alike.”

  Dean arched his brow. As far as he could tell they were carbon copies of each other. “I thought the word identical disputed that fact.” What did you do, Tessa? Lexi does not belong here. Not around anything confidential. You hired the wrong sister.

  “Kenzi can tell us apart without any issues. Speaking of Kenzi, have you seen her since you came back?”

  “No, I haven’t had any time,” Dean replied. He wasn’t going to mention that he was having her watched so he knew just how close she and Dax were getting, but none of that required him to actually see her in person. Probably better that way. Kenzi isn’t going to be happy if she finds out. But it’s for her own good. Hanging around with a man like Dax Marshall requires such actions. If your brothers aren’t going to watch out for you, then I will.

  Dean wasn’t only worried about Kenzi. Tessa somehow had gotten herself mixed up with Marshall, and if he was reading her correctly, she had no idea just how dangerous this situation was. He was tempted to let her find out for herself. She had made her own bed, let her lie in it.

  Even as he thought it, he knew he would never let anything happen to her. Why that was, he wasn’t yet sure, but he had to make her see the reality of what she was doing. If she thought she had no way out or was afraid to pull away from Dax, he would make sure she knew she had options, that he would protect her. No one is going to hurt her.

  Before he could fix any of this, he needed to find her. Normally she hid in her office. She was the first to arrive and the last to leave from what security told him. So why was she missing now? A Friday afternoon and she disappears? Was she with Dax right now?

  That pissed him off. Could she have left his arms and gone into Dax’s? His head pounded. “I was looking for your boss.”

  Lexi looked around before replying. “She’s not here.”

  “I can see that. Where is she?”

  “She’s not here.”

  “Lexi, we established that already. Where the hell is she? Or do you not know who will sign your check?” Dean had no idea how Tessa was able to gain Lexi’s loyalty so quickly, but it was misguided and wouldn’t be tolerated.

  “There’s no reason to yell, Dean. It’s Friday, the end of the day. It’s not like she’s been gone all day. And besides, from the way she looked earlier, it seemed like she needed a break. Did you yell at her too? Is that why she was so upset when she came back from your office?” Lexi stood there, arms crossed and tapping her foot.

  Tessa obviously didn’t kiss and tell. But she didn’t hide her emotions very well either. The last thing he needed was Lexi having personal or confidential information about him. She wasn’t known for keeping her mouth shut. It wouldn’t take long before she told Willa, who told Kenzi, who told Zoey, and then the lecturing would begin. Women. They’re a force to reckon with when they decide to team up.

  “If you want a job on Monday, you’ll tell me where she is now,” Dean said in a warning tone.

  “Denfield. She went home to her parents. I guess she needed to put some distance between the two of you. So you want to tell me what happened up there?”

  Dean didn’t answer her question. “See you on Monday.” He turned and headed toward the elevator. He grabbed his phone and dialed Bennett’s number

  “What do you need, Dean?” Bennett asked when he answered the phone.

  Dean could appreciate a man who got right to the point. “Need an address.” He proceeded to give Bennett the little information he had. “Text me as soon as you have it.”

  He couldn’t believe he was going to spend a Friday night chasing after some woman who might actually be out to rip his company right out from underneath him. Dean needed to confront her on this now, not Monday. If that meant calling her out on her behavior in front of her parents, so be it. Let them see what their little girl was really all about. Time to clear the air so I can get back to what I need to do. Manage Poly-Shyn.

  Chapter Seven

  “Tessa, what a pleasant surprise. Why didn’t you tell us you were coming home this weekend?” Pulling Tessa into a hug, her mother looked at her closely. “Honey you look different, good but different. Is something wrong?”

  It wasn’t like her to show up without advanced notice. She could tell by her mother’s tone that she was already guessing what was wrong. What could she tell her? There was nothing and everything wrong all at the same time. She wasn’t even sure why she felt the need to run away from Boston today. The thing that was troubling her needed to be addressed head-on. It’s not like Monday morning she could just go back into work and pretend she hadn’t practically thrown herself at her boss. Yes, he had kissed her first, but she totally melted into his arms, offering herself up to him like . . . Don’t even think it, Tessa. It was a one-time lapse in judgment. It won’t happen again.

  “Sorry, Mom. It was so crazy at work today, and I meant to call. I guess I just forgot. As for looking different, no glasses, I decided to try contact lenses. Do you really like them?” It was as close to the truth as she was willing to get. There were things she didn’t want to admit to herself right now, never mind to her parents.

  “Yes, I do like them; they make you look so sophisticated, and your eyes just pop with a deeper green than normal. You know you’re always welcome, phone call or not. But your father and I were about to go to a movie. Did you want to come?”

  Tessa envied her parents. They’d been married for thirty-five years and still had date nights. More than I seem to have lately. I need to stop working so darn much.

  She had been so focused on making it in Boston without any help from anyone that she found herself absorbed in becoming successful. Although she had achieved the dream job, it wasn’t by skills or anything she had earned. In fact, if Dean ever reviewed her qualifications, she probably would be demoted right back to data entry with Lexi. At least I would be able to sleep at night without all this stress.

  “Actually, I just needed to get away from all the noise of the city tonight. So you two go out and have fun. I’m looking forward to sitting on the porch and enjoying a quiet evening under the stars with just the crickets and frogs for a change. You don’t realize how much you miss them until you’re home.”

  Tessa heard her own voice shake when she said home. Growing up in Denfield, all she’d dreamed about was getting out and living in a city where all the action was. Here in Denfield there weren’t any street lights, and all the shops were closed by nine at night. If you weren’t going to the movies or bowling, you best be home because there wasn’t anything else to do. But right now, this place felt really good. Like comfortable shoes that you couldn’t throw out and put on every once in a while when you were alone.

  Right now Boston felt like it was going to swallow her up. There was only so far her “fake it till I make it” attitude was going to get her. Eventually, everything was going to come out and she would never be able to find a job in HR again. What was I thinking? All I wanted was a regular nine to five job with good health benefits. Now look at me. I’m hiding out at my parents, trying to think of a reason not to go back to work.

  Tessa lay on the porch swing and closed her eyes. The sound of an owl and crickets singing filled her as she drifted off to sleep.

  Dean wasn’t sure Bennett had given him the right address. This was as far off the beaten path as you could get. It looked more like something you would see in an old movie, not someplace he would find Tessa. The last two turns didn’t even have street signs. Finally, he pulled up the long driveway to a white house in the back. How did Dax find you in a place like this? He really wanted to make sure he got someone I wouldn’t suspect. Not bad, Dax.

  He didn’t want to admire Dax in any way, but after reading the file Bennett had on him, he had to admit Dax was a formidable opponent. If it wasn’t Poly-Shyn and Kenzi he was messing with, Dean might even enjoy the distraction of a good takedown. But for now, he would have to settle for Dax’s cohort, Tessa. One at a time. This one is going to be so much fun to set straight tonight.

  There wasn’t a light on at the house as he approached. The only lighting was the moon. He saw a small compact car with Massachusetts license plates on it, so Tessa must be here. Dean got out of his car and headed for the porch. As he climbed the steps he saw the sweetest sight he had ever laid eyes on. Tessa was all curled up on a swing, sound asleep.

  He stopped and watched her. There wasn’t anything hard or shady looking about her. If he hadn’t known better, he would have thought she was as sweet and innocent as she looked. But he knew better. Not just because of her association with Dax, but also the way she came alive in his arms. The way her green eyes turned dark with desire when he traced her lips with his tongue. All he wanted to do was tangle his fingers in her mass of wild red curls and make hot love to her right there on the porch.

  As he stood above her looking down, her eyelashes fluttered as though she was going to wake. Instead, her lips curled, and he swore he heard her moan softly. Damn, she’s even hot when she dreams.

  He could feel his jeans tighten. No matter how hard he tried to resist, Dean knew he had to have her. It didn’t matter who she worked for. He wanted to make her his tonight. He would make her forget the name Dax Marshall.

  Bending over, he brushed a stray curl from in front of her face.

  “Dean,” Tessa said barely a whisper.

  Her eyes were still closed. If she knew someone was there, she couldn’t know who it was because he hadn’t said a word. So why say his name? Are you dreaming of me?

  Another moan but a bit louder than the first echoed through him. She was dreaming of him, and damn, he needed to make it a reality. Dropping to one knee, he brushed his lips against hers. Her mouth opened to him. Teasingly he traced her lips with the tip of his tongue.

  “Dean.” She called his name.

  He slipped his arms under her and lifted her off the swing. Her eyes never opened, but her arms rose to wrap around his neck. She was meeting his kisses with the same hunger he felt. Dean wanted to taste every inch of her. Standing on the porch, holding her in his arms, he heard a car door shut. He knew he should stop, but his blood was pumping, and he really didn’t care who was watching.

  A deep voice from behind him said, “What do you think you are doing, young man?”

  Dean released Tessa’s lips, and she stirred and became fully awake in his arms.

  “Dean, what the . . .?” Tessa gasped, her arms still around his neck.

  He slowly released her, letting her feet touch the wooden planks. He didn’t turn to see who was behind him. His focus was solely on Tessa.

  She stood in front of him, her eyes searching his as though seeking an answer as to what was going on. “What are you doing here, Dean? How did you find me?”

  Dean expected her to react much differently. Maybe a slap across the face or some yelling, but neither had come. She was calm yet serious. There wasn’t even a hint of shock in her expression.

  “Looking for you,” Dean replied.

  Before he could add anything else someone was by his side. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a man looking not too happy at what he had witnessed. “Tessa, care to explain what is going on here?” His voice held authority.

  Tessa blushed slightly as she looked at
the older gentleman. “Dad, I’m sorry. It’s not what it looks like. We were just—”

  “I don’t need the details, Tessa. What I want to know is why here? Is he why you showed up so unexpectedly?” He looked at Dean with a warning glance.

  Dean extended his hand. “Mr. Brooks, I’m Dean Henderson.”

  Her father looked at him as though contemplating punching his lights out and knocking him on his ass instead of shaking hands. Dean couldn’t blame him. It wasn’t a sight you want to walk in on, especially on your own porch, no matter your daughter’s age.

  As they shook hands he said, “I’m Claude Brooks, and this is my wife, Sharon. Why don’t we take this conversation inside?”

  Claude stood ready and waiting for an argument. Dean looked at Tessa who looked as though she wanted to be anyplace but there. He couldn’t disagree with that. Getting caught necking on the front porch by the girl’s parents was something you normally dealt with when you were sixteen, not twenty-six.

  Sharon entered the house first, followed by Tessa. Claude, still staring at Dean, said, “After you.”

  This is not the Friday night I planned. Once inside they all sat in the living room. Tessa had taken a chair on the right, her parents were on the couch in the middle, which left Dean the remaining chair across from Tessa. The view was perfect, but the atmosphere was thick. He knew it wasn’t going to be long before her father decided to clear the air. Dean never liked relinquishing control, not even to his elders, and decided to jump right into it.

  Dean wasn’t about to discuss Tessa and him with anyone, no matter who they were. But he had always been a master at getting others to talk about themselves. Hearing about her parents would also give him the insight he needed on what made Tessa who she was. “Claude, what do you do for a living?”

  “I’m the pastor of our church. And what about you, Dean?”

  Great. The pastor’s daughter. How do I accuse her of spying on my company in front of them? “I’m in corporate real estate.”