Just Trust (The Reluctant Heart Book 2) Read online

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  “Would you come if I can convince Reanna to show?”

  Had Reanna told them about their kiss last night? She didn’t strike him as the type, but why else would Kenneth try using her to entice him to attend?

  “Why don’t you let me call her and she and I will discuss it?” Jerry suggested.

  “Works for me. We’ll expect you at six,” he said and ended the call.

  Fuck! Had he just agreed? Not to his knowledge. And just because he called her didn’t mean she’d agree. She had, after all, turned down Shanda.

  Maybe I can be more persuasive.

  His phone buzzed and he checked the message. THOUGHT YOU MIGHT WANT REANNA’S CELL NUMBER.

  He hadn’t asked her for her number last night, because he had no intention of calling. Thankfully Kenneth provided it now.


  That should’ve been the end of it, but Kenneth asked, ARE YOU CALLING HER?

  What the fuck!? Kenneth was getting as bad as their Mother.


  Jerry waited a moment before dialing her number. It was opening a door that he’d told himself he wouldn’t. Now he was asking for her to join him at Kenneth and Shanda’s. Even if they weren’t seeing each other tonight, it wasn’t as though they weren’t going to see each other again. Although Kenneth didn’t mention it, Jerry’s gut said this was only the first of many so-called required meetings.

  I really should’ve said no. Phillip deserves this, not me.

  Jerry dialed Reanna’s number, knowing there was no point in prolonging it. He’d ask and if she said no, then he was off the hook.

  “Hello,” she answered, in a very professional tone.

  “Is this Reanna?” he asked, knowing damn well it was.

  “It is. And you are?”

  “I thought you said it was a kiss you’d never forget?” he teased.

  He heard her giggle. “Oh, the kiss I remember, the name…well….”

  Oh he loved that she could give it right back to him. The woman had spunk, but not in an abrasive way that would’ve normally turned him off. Something Reanna couldn’t do even if she tried.

  “Maybe we should try again and see if it helps to bring back your memory,” he joked.

  “I do remember that I didn’t give you my number.”

  Reanna didn’t sound upset, but definitely cautious. Good. You should question shit. There were some real creeps out there. He just wasn’t one of them, at least not in the stalking or abusive way. The only complaint women had was he was a closed book. Jerry never felt the inclination to share anything of substance with them. “Kenneth wanted me to call and discuss tonight. Seems there is a meeting and our presence is required.”

  Reanna chuckled. “Yeah, right. Shanda spent a few hours this afternoon at my house. There is no way she has anything left to talk about.”

  “Apparently she does,” he grumbled.

  “I’m surprised she doesn’t have laryngitis.”

  “Please tell me it is contagious, because I wouldn’t mind if Kenneth caught it too.” Kenneth was always a talker, but it was the subject matter recently that didn’t appeal to him. “I guess I can text him and let him know we can’t make it.”

  “Wait!” Reanna blurted.

  “You want to go?” he asked. Or maybe you just want to see me.

  “Want to? No. But I’m her maid of honor. It would be pretty shitty of me to blow her off. My vote is we go.”

  Damn it. You were my excuse not to.

  “Once we are there, you know they are going to find reasons for us to stay longer than we might want.” Since Jerry didn’t want to be there at all, even five minutes was too long. There was a perk: Reanna.

  “I can always have someone call from the station and need to leave,” Reanna said.

  Leaning back in his leather chair, he recalled a phone call last night. Had it really been business, or had she just let it slip that it wasn’t? Either way, he didn’t want her rushing off again. If the mood was right, who knows what could happen tonight?

  I know what I want to happen. But fuck, it shouldn’t.

  Jerry said, “How about I pick you up and we go together? This way you can’t leave me there to be—”

  “Tortured alone?” she filled in.

  “That is one way to describe it.” If he had to hear about flowers one more time, he was going to lose his fucking mind.

  “May I suggest not using such words in front of the bride-to-be? You might find she is a bit…sensitive at the moment.”

  “What I hear is you’d like me to come up with an excuse as to why we can’t go,” Jerry stated.

  “And what excuse do you think won’t hurt her feelings?” Reanna said in a challenging tone.

  He loved to win. “I’ll pick you up at seven. And don’t worry. I’ll call Kenneth and cancel.”

  “Wait. I’m confused. If we’re not going, then why are you picking me up?” Reanna asked.

  “Because we have a date.”

  “What? I didn’t agree to—”

  “Just trust me. I’ll see you at seven.” He ended the call before she could rebut with some rational reason why he shouldn’t. Jerry had a million reasons why himself. But he wanted to see her again.

  Even though he said he’d call Kenneth, a text served as the same. Also was shorter.



  Jerry went with the truth, TAKING HER ON A DATE INSTEAD. He could almost picture Kenneth double checking his phone to make sure he was seeing correctly. They both knew this was out of character for Jerry.


  Jerry knew it wasn’t her badge that Kenneth was worried about. There was something different about Reanna, and that made her dangerous is an entirely different way. It was also what made him need to see her.

  He had no idea what he was going to do with Reanna tonight, but he wanted to make it something fun, and not only dinner.

  Hell, he could take the family jet and fly anywhere, yet somehow his gut said she’d shut down and refuse to go. He needed it to be something that she would enjoy. Jerry scanned through his phone for things to do in her area. Immediately, he knew this was it. He called the number and scheduled their time. Slipping his phone into his pocket, he went to change into jeans and a T-shirt. Before he left his penthouse, he sent her a quick text.


  She replied. WHY? WHAT ARE WE DOING?


  There was a delay in her response, and he began to think she was going to decline. Finally came one last response.


  Game on.

  Chapter Four

  “I swear, if you say one word or even show your face, I’m going to—”

  “Bury my dead ass in the backyard. Got it,” Bobby said.

  Reanna rolled her eyes. “That’s not even funny.” Very tempting, but not funny. She might not have gone to such crime scenes, but she had heard plenty of stories from her buddies on the State Police force. Bobby might aggravate the shit out of her, but she really didn’t want to see any harm come to him. Bobby was harmless, just…dumb.

  She had no time for this conversation. Jerry was going to be picking her up any minute, and the last thing she wanted to do was spend the night trying to explain who Bobby was and why the hell he was staying with her. You didn’t need to be a genius to know that wasn’t second-date material.

  Still can’t believe I had one date with him, never mind two.

  Reanna was stressed enough about Bobby; she didn’t need to be questioning why Jerry wanted to see her again. Probably the same reason why I was hoping to see him. First dates were always interesting but considering it’d been a blind date, it was even more surprising that it worked out.

  “Reanna, are you going to stand there staring into space or
go meet him outside,” Bobby said.


  “Your date. He pulled in the driveway.”

  Shit! She grabbed her purse and headed to the door. “Don’t forget Bobby,” she warned.

  “Damn, why don’t you just say you want me gone?” he said as she was closing the door.

  Why don’t you just take the hint?

  Reanna caught Jerry as he was opening the driver’s door. “Prompt. I like that,” she said as she headed to the passenger’s side. She slipped inside his Rolls-Royce Phantom. She’d never been in anything so luxurious. The last thing she wanted was to make it so obvious, so instead of looking around, she placed her purse on the floor and gasped. There wasn’t a cement walkway or driveway at her house. It was a combination of crushed stone and plenty of dirt. “I’m so sorry. I should’ve kicked the dirt off my sneakers before getting inside.”

  “Don’t worry about it,” Jerry said.

  “If you want to wait a minute, I can run and grab my vacuum cleaner and I can fix this.” She opened the door again and was about to get out when she felt Jerry’s hand on hers.

  “Reanna, it’s dirt.”

  She turned and looked at him and said, “And probably the only dirt in the car.”

  He laughed. “Then don’t open the glove box, because I think I have a wrapper from an energy bar I ate earlier.”

  “I’m being serious Jerry. This car is—”

  “A car and meant to get me from one place to another. That is all,” he said firmly.

  Not at this price tag. She wasn’t about to remind him that there were much less expensive modes of transportation. But she couldn’t help herself.

  “Then I have this truck that you might like. Runs great. Smells okay. Looks like crap,” she chuckled.

  He smiled at her and said, “And it knows how to find the perfect secluded places for lovers to get cozy too.”

  She blushed. “I didn’t take you there so we could ‘get cozy’.”

  “Romantic place like that, full moon and a starry night, and you wanted to do what then? Watch fireflies?” he joked. When she didn’t reply he said, “I thought not. I’m not from Hope Valley and can’t promise such an evening, but I think you’ll enjoy what I have planned.”

  Reanna closed the door. “I’d like to continue this conversation until you give in, but you have me intrigued. Where are we going?”

  He started the car and put it in reverse. “You’ll see when we get there.”

  “I’m not one who likes surprises,” she said.

  “Funny, neither do I.”

  “That’s the reason why I know you’ll tell me,” she tried again.

  “Good try, but no.”

  She’d never been good at saying no, but when it came to being told no, she was even worse. “Does it involve food?” she asked.

  He shot her a quick look and asked, “Have you eaten yet? Because if you’re starving, we can make a quick detour and eat first.”

  “I guess my answer depends on how far we are going and how long we will be there. Oh, and how much energy I will require to do whatever it is you have planned.”

  Jerry laughed. “Nice. Didn’t see that coming. But it didn’t work.”

  She sighed. “I know. Too many questions all at once. I should’ve spaced them out better. I’ll have to remember that for next time.”

  That was a bit bold of her to even assume there would be a next time, but somehow she knew there would be. Even sitting beside him, she felt as though they’d known each other for a while, and not as though they had just met last night.

  As she allowed him to take her to this mysterious place, she was thinking of how she’d be lecturing women on the dangers of such behavior. This was risky. What did she really know about him? Looking at him out of the corner of her eye, she ran through the list.

  Rich. Drop-dead gorgeous. Makes me laugh. Fantastic kisser. Likes burgers and hates surprises. That really wasn’t much. It was more than she knew yesterday, and she’d taken him to the spot where teenagers go to make out. If anyone should be wondering what type of crazy person they were out with, it should be Jerry.

  Wherever he is taking me, it can’t be as nuts as where I took him.

  As they left the state and headed into Connecticut, she began to wonder if he was taking her to New York. It was a great place to visit, but not a good get-to-know-someone type of date place. She’d get all caught up in the sights and forget why they were there. But Jerry turned off the highway and in a direction she wasn’t familiar with.

  “Sure I can’t get you to even give me a little hint?” she asked.

  “Okay, just one,” he said.

  She smiled and adjusted herself in the seat as though she’d just won a prize and couldn’t wait to receive it.

  “One is more than before.”

  “We’ll take it as fast or as slow as you want,” he stated.

  She waited for the hint, but that was all he said. “Either way is fine. Just give me the hint.” He said nothing so she added, “Really? You said you’d give me one and now you’re backing out. For a guy who keeps telling me to trust him, this is not the way to earn it.” She noticed his hands tighten on the steering wheel. Had she upset him or offended him? Reanna hadn’t meant to do either. “Only joking, unless it worked, then ignore this.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t back down, however there is no need to either. I upheld my end of the bargain. You have your hint.”

  “I do?” she asked. He nodded. “Well it was a sucky one. I have no idea what it means.” Unless you’re taking me to a hotel. I sure as hell hope you’re not that confident. He probably was. “If you’re taking me to a hotel, you can turn this car around right now.” She already knew that wasn’t where they were headed, but she couldn’t wait to hear his response now.

  “Well damn. I’m probably going to lose my deposit,” he stated.

  She glared at him. “That’s all you’re going to say?”


  Oh you’re tough. She wanted to keep a straight face but couldn’t. Reanna burst out laughing. “Good thing you’re not a suspect. I’m not sure I’d fare any better with interrogating you.”

  Jerry smiled. “Depends on the questions,” he gave her a wink.

  Okay. Here is one. Why are you here? With me? She knew he could be with any woman he wanted. She was pretty sure that women flung themselves at him. But she wasn’t attracted to money. If anything, it was what turned her off about him. Good thing there was something, because she already found it nearly impossible to resist his charm.

  Before she could press any further, they pulled into a huge parking lot. If she’d been paying attention, maybe she’d have caught the name on the sign. “Horse racing?” she asked. He shook his head. Then she saw the checkered flag. “We’re watching a race?” Once again, Jerry shook his head.

  “You’re getting closer.”

  “I give. What are we doing?”

  “Like I said, you will be able to decide how fast or slow you go.”

  Her eyes widened as she finally understood the riddle. “I’m going to be in one?” she guessed.


  “And it is going to be moving?”

  “If not, then you won’t need to worry about speed,” he teased.

  She was too excited to even laugh. “How?”

  “I have connections,” he said. “Now let’s get you suited up and get you in the Mustang 5.0.”

  Her hands started to tremble. “I’m going to drive one of the race cars? Me? On that track?”

  She loved watching racing and had gone to a local speedway in Rhode Island, but nothing like this. And watching was far different than driving one.

  Jerry got out of the car and said, “Only if we actually go in.”

  Reanna opened her door slowly and got out. I can’t believe I’m about to do this.

  As she walked inside, Jerry reached out and took her hand in his. “Why are you so nervous?” he asked

  “Oh, because my dad taught me not to borrow something if I can’t afford to replace it.”

  “Drive like you own it.”

  She laughed. “I don’t think you remember what my beat-up Ford truck looks like,” she said. “But don’t worry. I didn’t put those dents in it. Got it that way.”

  After an hour of brief training about the Mustang and the track, she was suited up and inside. She reviewed all the controls one last time, but now alone she noticed on the inside dash there was a red heart. It was odd and didn’t fit anything else about the race car. Maybe the love of racing? It would make sense, but she knew that couldn’t be it. She wasn’t sure if Jerry would even know, but if she remembered, she’d ask him later. That was going to be difficult, because this was so exciting, she barely recalled her own name.

  If Jerry thought her nerves had calmed any, he was wrong. The feel of the vibration as the car idled was more intense than anything she’d ever driven before.

  Reanna was just sitting there on the track when she heard Jerry’s voice come through the headset, “You can hit the gas any time.”

  Forgetting that he could hear her as well, she said softly and chuckled, “Maybe I’m just enjoying the vibration.”

  She heard Jerry laugh. “Maybe I’ll see if we can take it home with us.”

  Reanna turned beet red. Oh yeah. Audio and video. Shit! She cleared her throat and slowly pressed on the gas. It’d been a while since she’d driven a stick shift, but it all came back to her quickly. Each lap was faster than the last. She wasn’t sure which was revving more, the Mustang or her.

  Damn Jerry. You really know how to give a woman a fucking good time.

  If this was how their night was starting, she could only imagine what was coming next. As she pulled the Mustang behind the pit wall, she smiled to herself. This had been amazing and her body was still tingling from the thrill. With any luck, this won’t be the only hot ride I have tonight.

  As she headed for the changing room to put back on her own clothes, she pulled out her cell phone.


  Bobby replied. IF I COULD, I’D ALREADY BE THERE.