Southern Exposure (Southern Desires Series Book 2) Read online

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  “Why don’t you just give her the money or pay someone to do it?”

  “If I thought for one minute she’d accept it, I would.”

  “And you care about this why?”

  “I only want to help her. She has nothing but this place.” Don would understand once he met her. It was impossible to explain over the phone.

  “So what do you want from me?”

  “I need you to fly out here and pretend you’re out of work and willing to do the job for room and board.”

  Don laughed. “Do I get a bed or am I sleeping in a tree somewhere?”

  “Just get here. This place is falling apart around her. She has the tools but nothing else. Oh, I need you to reach out to the hardware store and have them extend her credit. And by that I mean—”

  “Yeah, I know how this works, Mark. I will make sure all is quiet, and it won’t lead back to you. Anything else?”

  “I need you to find me a contact for the bank that holds her mortgage.”

  “How do you think you’re going to keep that one from her if they already gave her notice?”

  “Let me worry about that. So when are you going to get here?”

  “I can have my jet there tonight.”

  “Don, I don’t care if you fly by private jet, but remember, you’re broke.”

  Don laughed again. “Fine. I won’t shave today and might even skip a shower. Will that do?”

  “I really need your help, and we don’t want to scare her, so please, shower.” Before he disconnected the call, he said, “I really owe you, Don.”

  “Collins, if you get all mushy on me I’m not showing up. Now text the damn information to where the hell I’m going and any personal information you think I might need. I’ll see you tonight.”

  One down, one to go. He put the phone back in his pocket and went to meet Hannah. She was standing on the porch waiting for him.

  “Were you able to reach your friend?”

  She still looked worried. Since she had no clue what really was going on, she should be worried.

  “Yeah. He’s bumming a ride and will be here sometime late tonight.”

  “That’s wonderful. Did you make the list of what we need at the store?”

  If by list you mean the entire store, then yes. “What we don’t grab today, I’ll grab with Don tomorrow.”

  “I just want to make sure we only get what is absolutely necessary.”

  A construction crew and a miracle is what you absolutely need. But what you’ve got is me and the one man who can help me pull it off. “Don’t worry. I’m used to working with little. When we’re done, you’ll be shocked at what you see.” Just don’t ask too many questions on how exactly we pull it off. Lying is not something I enjoy doing, but if it’s necessary for safety, or in this case, a beautiful woman’s hope, I will.

  “Let’s get going.”

  Mark headed towards his Jeep.

  “Let’s take my car.”

  He raised a brow. “We’re picking up supplies that you might not want in your fancy convertible.”

  She looked at her Volkswagen then at his Jeep. “Good point. But then again, I don’t want to end up walking back because we break down either.” Hannah pulled her keys out of her purse waving them in the air as she hopped into the driver’s seat. “We can talk on the way, and you can tell me all about yourself.”

  That’s not going to happen. “I think I’d much rather hear about you and Savannah. I’ve never been here before. Why don’t you tell me about it?”

  He was good about making sure no one knew anything about him except those closest to him. Even then, they only knew what he was willing or able to share. Most of his life was top secret. Where he was and what he was doing never could be discussed. Not even his parents knew. It wasn’t always the easiest life, but it was the one he wanted, the one he chose.

  After they returned from the store, Mark installed the lock on her apartment door. Then a second one on her bedroom door. She looked at him like she was about to dispute that, but said nothing. Progress. Baby steps, but progress.

  Hannah had shown Mark a room for Don then went to bed early by his standards. He was glad she didn’t stay up waiting to meet him. He needed to discuss with Don what actually was going on, away from Hannah’s ears. Especially after the conversation he’d had with the bank earlier.

  It hadn’t taken Don long to get the bank contact information. The rest had been left to Mark to handle. It was convenient that she used a local bank which meant dealing with people who were in charge and could make decisions. The one problem with that was a small town meant people knew and said more than they should. Mark was able to obtain the information regarding how far behind she was on her mortgage as well as why.

  She’d been struggling for longer than he’d thought, taking on debts that weren’t hers, and never taking a handout of any kind. Sweet, stubborn Hannah. You may think you won the battle, but trust me, I’ll win the war. Her unwillingness to accept his help wasn’t going to happen. Many people might let that deter them, but he never let anything come between him and a successful mission. And saving your family home has just become my personal mission.

  Don pulled up in an old beat-up truck. “Where the hell did you get that?”

  “You said I’d be working for peanuts, so I bought this off a peanut farmer the next town over. What do you think?”

  That you’re nuts. “It suits you. You should drive it more often,” Mark said while laughing.

  Don pointed to the Jeep. “Is that why you took Bessy on this road trip?”

  “You know she and I go way back.”

  “Yeah, too long if you ask me. Every time I see you pull up in that green thing you call a vehicle I cringe.”

  “You’re just jealous because you rolled yours when we went four-wheeling.”

  “That was a damn good time. Sounds like a better vacation than what you have planned for me here. Want to talk while we can?”

  You know it. “Did you get things set up at the hardware store?”

  “That’s why I’m here so late.”

  Not the only reason I’m sure. “Excellent. We’re going to need it. Don, you’ve no idea what work we have ahead of us.”

  “Worse than the last job we did in Buffalo together?”

  “Makes it look like a walk in the park.”

  “Tell me again why we’re not using a crew?”

  “Because I don’t want her to know we’re funding this.”

  Don shook his head. “So you think she’s going to believe that the two of us are so hard up on our luck that we’re willing to do all this work for room and board only? And that the store is running one hell of a special deal right now, and her supplies are dirt cheap?”

  Not when you say it like that. “Leave that to me. You’re here to make sure it can be pulled off. If anyone can make this place livable, it’s you.”

  “Great. No pressure.”

  That’s what was nice about having Don help. They might not have worked together on any projects for the last three years, but it was like old times as soon as they connected. He wouldn’t bring additional stress. In fact having him around meant one less thing Mark needed to worry about. Don is someone who will ask questions, but not flip out if he isn’t given any answers.

  Mark and Don sat on the porch far from the door in case Hannah decided to come out and join them. The last thing he needed was for her to overhear their conversation. She already wasn’t going to be happy, but Mark planned on being long gone before she caught on to what transpired. It was going to be too late by then.

  He informed Don what the bank said. “Even if she fixes this place up she might lose it? So what’s the point? Just tell her the truth and be done with it.”

  “Don. She lost her father about a year ago. I know we see a money pit, but this was . . . is her family’s home. When she talked about it, I could see she wasn’t ready to let go yet. And I’m not going to let a bank or anyone else tell her s
he has to before she’s ready. Hannah needs someone to fight for her, even if she doesn’t want to admit it.”

  Don looked at him questioningly. “You of all people know you can’t save everyone.”

  It was something he lived with every day of his life. He’d lost members of his team as well as too many others he’d met in the field. Over the years you would think you’d stop counting, but you don’t. Each one had a name, a family, a story. He refused to let any of them be forgotten. I might not be able to save them all, but I sure as hell am going to try.

  “Don, this is different.”

  “You’re right. You’re not on a battlefield somewhere. And this is not your men that you can order around. Hate to tell you, buddy, but you’re trying to control this, and you can’t do that when it comes to women. They have a knack for finding out, and when she does, it’ll be hell to pay.”

  One fragile woman doesn’t scare me. “Trust me, Don. I know what I’m doing.”

  “I’m only here to work and watch the show,” Don joked. “I do know one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  Don slapped Mark on the back. “I can’t wait to meet this woman. Whoever she is, she sure has shaken you up.”

  Mark didn’t get shaken by anything or anyone. He was task-driven and right now helping her was just that, the task at hand. “I feel for her situation, Don. Nothing more.”

  “So what you’re saying is she’s available? Maybe this vacation won’t be so bad after all.” Don arched his brow, taunting Mark.

  Even though he knew Don was just joking, his gut tied in a knot. “What I’m saying is you can sleep in that tree or the old piece of shit truck you drove up here in, but keep your hands off Hannah.”

  Don burst out laughing. “Don’t worry, Mark. I won’t touch your girl.” My girl? Hannah could never be my girl.

  The problem with bringing his best friend in was he’d never hear the end of it. “Keep it up and you’ll—”

  Don got up and said, “Be sleeping on this porch. Yeah, I know already. Want to show me where I’m really sleeping? If I’m right, you’re going to get my ass up before the birds.”

  Damn straight. Mark got up and headed for the door. “You’ve got a room in the empty apartment across from ours.”

  “Ours?” Don joked again.

  Fuck. “Don’t make me regret calling you, Don.”

  He was still laughing as he entered the house.

  “And keep it down. Hannah’s sleeping.”

  “You’re making this too easy. But don’t worry, Mark. I walked away from one hell of a deal to be here, and you better believe I’m going to get some enjoyment out of it.”

  Mark knew it wasn’t about money. It was payback for something he’d done to Don all the way back in high school. That man had a memory that was unheard of. His revenge always caught Mark by surprise. Usually harmless fun. But Don sending a letter to his mother informing her he had gotten married overseas and was coming home with triplet babies might’ve been going too far. Ever since that day Mark’s mother said he owed her three grandchildren, and she wasn’t going to rest until he paid up. Whatever Don had in store for him this time better not include Hannah. She had enough going on in her life already. The last thing she needed was Don Farrell adding anything to it.

  “Get your sleep, Don. Tomorrow you have to earn your keep. And when you see the apartment upstairs, you’re going to understand why I called.”

  “That bad?”

  “I’m still trying to find what I like about it.”

  “Who’s in the other one?”

  “Not sure. I’ve been here since Saturday and haven’t seen him at all. No lights on during the day, but he’s up all night moving around. Something is off about that guy.”

  “And you know this how?”

  His job was observing suspicious behaviors. “Trust me. I know. Your bedroom is right beneath his. Keep your ears open and text me if anything seems off to you.”

  “What exactly am I supposed to be listening for?”

  Mark had no clue. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up each time he thought of the guy. That wasn’t much to go on, but that was enough for now. He’d learned years ago to listen to his gut. And his gut was saying something was not right.

  “Don, just text me if you hear anything at all.”

  “So you’re expecting me to stay up all night? Is there anything else you want to tell me about this lovely vacation?”

  Mark turned to leave Don alone but shot over his shoulder, “Yeah, the coffee here is like water.”

  Chapter Four

  Hannah woke early to hear loud banging echoing through the house. She reached for her cell phone. Really? Six a.m.

  The noise was only half the issue. She’d been having the most amazing dream of Mark before being so rudely awoken. Closing her eyes, she still pictured him clearly. He’d been outside chopping wood as she watched him from the porch. The heat of the day was getting to him. Slowly he ripped off his shirt, exposing beautiful ripples of muscles. Bending down to pick up the water hose, he raised it overhead and doused himself. As the water flowed over his body, she wished it was her hands and her mouth.

  Hannah could feel the desire still aching for attention. Horny and wet for a man I can’t have. This is going to be a long day.

  She was about to pull the sheets over her head and try going back to sleep when she heard a power saw cutting something in the room right above hers. Just because he doesn’t like to sleep, doesn’t mean the rest of the world shouldn’t.

  She threw the sheet off to one side, dragged herself from the bed, and stomped across the floor. Normally she was lighter on her feet as she liked things quiet, but this morning no amount of noise she made would compare to the racket going on upstairs.

  She grabbed her thin cotton robe hanging on the back of her door. It didn’t cover much more than the tiny pajama set she was wearing, but she was too angry to think about modesty at the moment. She didn’t even bother combing her hair. There was no way she’d allow Mark to wake her tenant at that godawful hour. The last thing she needed was him to complain and move out due to the noise. She hadn’t let him know about the construction yet. Bad on me, but who would’ve thought they’d start at pre-dawn?

  Leaving her apartment, she climbed the stairs to the vacant apartment. Hannah was thankful her tenant wasn’t directly below the construction like she was, but she was sure it was echoing throughout the house. Each step brought her closer, and she couldn’t wait to give Mark a piece of her mind. No matter how sexy you are to look at, nothing is going to stop me from saying what’s on my mind.

  When she arrived, she found the apartment wide open. She marched right in, but after a few steps she stopped dead in her tracks. Mark was standing with his back to her, his arms above his head holding what looked like a wooden beam of some sort. Hannah wasn’t too interested in what he was holding. He was shirtless, and every muscle in his arms and back was calling out to her. If that wasn’t bad enough, his tool belt was tugging on his jeans, bringing them even lower over that fine-looking ass of his. Even sweeter than my dream.

  She could stand there forever and look at him. Her eyes burned the memory of him in her mind. It took everything within her not to reach out and touch him. Any anger she’d felt on her way upstairs was quickly replaced with raw, uncontrollable need. Her feet were defying what her head knew she should do—turn and go back downstairs and pretend she never saw all that sexiness. But her brain wasn’t in control. One step, then two. Closer and closer to what she yearned for.

  “Hurry the fuck up, Don. This thing isn’t holding itself up over here.”

  Oh, God. He knows someone is here. How does he do that? She took a step backward. At least, he doesn’t know it’s me.

  Hannah blushed and couldn’t even believe what she’d been about to do. Did she really think she’d walk over and touch him without him noticing? Who am I kidding? There is no way I’m going to be able to stop with one touch
. Maybe after a kiss and, oh yeah, a lick or two.

  Hannah was so deep in her own thoughts as she backed up almost to the doorway, that she wasn’t paying attention to any of her surroundings, except for Mark. She caught the back of her heel on something, sending her tumbling to the floor.

  “Ow!” The word escaped her lips, barely a whisper as she covered her mouth so not to be heard.

  Instantly Mark spun around, and the one chance to slip out had slipped away. The beam he was holding came crashing to the floor as he moved quickly to her side.

  “Are you okay?” He was looking her over as though he expected some serious injury.

  The only thing hurt was her pride. “Ow.” She could feel several things poking into her all at the same time. Her hand went to feel what it could be when she picked up a nail. Then she looked by her foot and saw a plastic bucket tipped over and an empty box of nails. Great. With everything in this room, I have to not just knock it over but scatter nails all over the floor. If it wasn’t for bad luck right now, I don’t think I would have any luck at all. She moved a bit and something dug into her. She winced. Lucky me, I’m on a bed of nails. How am I going to get off this without hurting more than just my pride? Heck, it hurts just sitting on it.

  Her short robe now wide open revealed more than she wanted. It’s not the first time you’ve seen me like this, but this time I know you can see everything. There is no darkness hiding me this time. Can this get any worse?

  “I’m fine. Just let me get up.” She needed him to back away. Her body hadn’t recovered from the sight of him, so his closeness was only keeping the flame lit.

  “No. I’ll pick you up.”

  Before she could argue with him, his strong arms were beneath her, lifting her up against his bare chest. Got my wish. Not the way I saw this happening, but I got to touch you. Even in this awkward situation, you feel amazing. He was hot and hard, such a sweet contrast to her cold soft hands. She wasn’t sure if she should laugh or cry at how pathetic this all was. It was like a scene from a love story. If only it were true, his lips would soon claim hers in a passionate, explosive kiss.