For Hope Read online

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  Whatever little connection might be between them, it could not be explored—not because David was still working for her father, Paul. When Jada fired him, that contract ended. But because, even though he wasn’t getting paid, this was serious. It had become a personal agenda, and David never failed at anything he set his mind to.

  From the expression on Jada’s face, he knew she was here to take the lift to New York, but she wasn’t happy about it. She didn’t say one word as she walked past him to wait for the door of the chopper to open. David wasn’t going to turn his back to open it for her. Steadfast in his position with his finger on the trigger, he waited as the bellhop wheeled the luggage cart. David wasn’t sure he owned that many clothes. Only a woman would travel with everything she owns. Probably has fifty pairs of shoes in there. Does she live on the road?

  David glanced over his shoulder briefly and saw the pilot discussing something with Jada. She didn’t seem happy. He wanted to go and intervene, but whatever it was the pilot waved a hand in the air and conceded before he opened the door and helped Jada inside. He heard the rustle of the bags as they were loaded into the chopper. Once he knew everything was secured, David put the safety back on and lowered his gun as he climbed inside.

  To his surprise, her luggage was inside the chopper instead of below. “We have a cargo area for all this crap.”

  She looked at the bags which were piled up on one side of the chopper. “As I explained to the pilot, I need my crap close to me.”

  In case I throw you out mid-air? “This chopper might be more spacious than most, but hun, this isn’t a hotel.” Jada snorted and averted her eyes from his. David just shook his head. He now understood the pilot’s frustration. And here I thought it was just me that brought out that warm fuzzy side of her. If her luggage were a safety hazard or inconvenience, he’d have demanded it be stored, or they wouldn’t take off. But at this point, what harm could it do? It sure beats starting an argument over clothing. I’ll save that for something big, and the fight is worth it.

  It was a few minutes of blissful silence. David had no issue with the entire flight being this way. Then Jada turned her attention back to him.

  “A bit much, don’t you think?” Jada asked as she looked at the gun David put on the seat next to him.

  “I believe in being prepared.” David pressed a button on the side console and let the pilot know all was set for takeoff. In a matter of moments the chopper lifted high in the air. David had instructed the pilot where to go in New York. Thanks to Gabe, he had Jada’s agenda for the next six months. Not that I plan on having to do this that long. David knew she’d received several threats on her life, but he’d faced much more difficult situations in war zones overseas. It should be a hell of a lot easier here in the States to resolve this problem. There was a vast amount of resources, including the legal system, if required. He only needed one thing at this time. Her cooperation.

  David wanted to bring that to her attention but the timing wasn’t right. He could immediately tell she wasn’t fond of flying. Jada was tense and gripped the leather arms of the captain’s chair with white knuckles. David found it odd, since Jada flew from one state to another regularly. What was different that was making her nervous now? It couldn’t be him because she wasn’t jumpy last night, which had surprised him given she probably should have been.

  David had become concerned as soon as he learned Dennis Peckham, the scumbag from last night, had a criminal background. Seemed Dennis had a difficult time keeping his hands off the ladies. He’d been arrested for four different charges of assault. Unfortunately, there were no convictions. Each of the women had dropped the charges. That doesn’t mean he wasn’t guilty as fuck.

  David wanted to ask Jada more about Dennis, but he didn’t believe she knew anything more about him than he’d already obtained. Although he’d picked up on the signals that Jada wasn’t comfortable around Dennis, he felt sure if she knew his background she never would have accepted his offer to dance. Had she met him before? Was that why she’d danced with him? How well do they know each other?

  David could have broached the subject but decided to hold off. All it would do was increase her anxiety. For now, David would focus on gathering more information on Dennis. He wanted to know every damn thing about the man. What he ate, where he hung out, and most of all, what the hell he wanted with Jada.

  From what he observed last night, Dennis had not taken his eyes off Jada for one second. If it weren’t for the threats Jada had been receiving, he would’ve chalked up Dennis as only a creep. But there was no crossing anyone off the list right now, and Dennis was number one. They were exploring other potential stalkers, but on the first go-round, Dennis was the only one who fit the bill. Not that Dennis is a killer.

  Each time David’s SAT phone chimed announcing a new message, he anticipated information from Gabe. Something useful. Instead, it appeared his loyal team, who’d always had his back, had not forgotten him. Text after text appeared from each member of the team. None of them were of any use. David wasn’t sure when they decided to razz him for being assigned to watch a beautiful woman. He was surrounded by comedians, and David had no sense of humor. His authority seemed to have broken down since his team was on a mission without him. We’re going to have a chat when they get back. He hoped this was a short assignment with Jada, and he could head into the field with his team where he belonged. If not, David would interview a replacement or bring in a separate team for this job.

  He hoped their travel time would be productive, but evidently that wasn’t be the case. When he glanced at Jada, he noticed a small grin on her face. He had found no humor in anything over the past twenty-four hours.

  Jada’s eyes rolled over him from head to toe before she laughed softly. “From the looks of your attire, you haven’t made it to bed yet.”

  David had no choice but to wear the same suit; it was the only one he owned. He wasn’t about to invest in an entirely new wardrobe to please Jada. I’m not out to impress anyone.

  He understood the importance of Jada looking the part. Why she’d decided to wear the same dress as last night was beyond him. He thought women like Jada wore something once and got rid of it. From the amount of luggage the pilot had to load on her behalf, he’d bet money he was right. So why not change?

  “It was this or a pair of blue jeans and a T-shirt.” David decided to give her the same once-over she had given him. But he took his time and enjoyed every second. His eyes traveled up from her high black heels, to the slit of her dress that revealed her slender legs, to the deep neckline that hugged the curve of her breasts. David didn’t need to meet her eyes to know he made her nervous; he could see her pulse beating rapidly at the base of her neck. He shouldn’t care one damn bit, but he liked knowing he affected her. God knows you do me. “You, on the other hand, might want to consider wearing something different when we land.”

  Jada looked down at her dress before meeting his eyes. “I’m sure you’d enjoy that.”

  David arched a brow. “Enjoy what?”

  He didn’t expect Jada to unlatch her seatbelt, get up, and go to the luggage. He watched as she struggled with one of the larger ones, and heard her curse softly under her breath. It was a tad shocking, and he was tempted to get up and assist her. David had no idea what she intended to do, but he was enjoying the view of her bent over in such close proximity.

  Jada looked over her shoulder and caught him gazing at her sweet behind. She glared at him for a moment, grunted her disapproval, and repositioned herself. He wasn’t about to inform her it was impossible to give him a bad view. She was stunning in whatever position. And probably like every other model, she knew it and enjoyed flaunting it.

  “Are you just going to sit there or are you going to help me?” Jada asked as she struggled with the zipper on one of the large suitcases.

  It was unwise to be up and walking around in the chopper when it was in flight. They could hit an air pocket and get tossed around. But
the weather was clear, and he already knew she wasn’t going to listen to him. Probably doesn’t listen to anyone but her own voice.

  If he’d have thought for a moment that Jada would be trying to dig through her luggage, he’d have insisted it be stored in cargo. Who would’ve thought she’d get up to change clothes now? “I meant you might want to change when we landed. Not at this moment.”

  Jada paid him no attention as she continued to struggle. Damn it!

  David was a gentleman, so he unlatched his seatbelt and gave her a hand. He had no idea why she could not open it because, with a gentle tug, it unzipped easily. Maybe you want me close. He inhaled the sweet scent of lavender. It wasn’t an overpowering perfume, just enough to make you want to nestle into her neck and breathe it in, again and again.

  He had assisted, and now he needed to back the hell away before he did something he might regret. David lived a life of total self-control. He’d been around beautiful women before, so he refused to think she looked at him with anything other than annoyance. Perhaps if she wasn’t his job, he’d consider this an easy opportunity to pull her into his arms and kiss her. But his job was to keep her safe. Period.

  David quickly settled back in his seat and watched as she sorted through her suitcase, pulled out items until she found a pair of white slacks and a red blouse, and put them on her seat. Then she zipped that suitcase and opened a smaller one, pulling out a pair of matching red pumps. He thought Jada would return to her own seat, but with her back to him, she stepped closer to him. Way too close. She was so close she could practically sit on his lap. Not that I’m complaining.

  In a soft voice, she asked, “Do you mind?”

  He wasn’t sure what she wanted, but several things came to mind. David could feel the front of his suit pants getting tight as his body reacted to her luscious curves only inches away. He had to resist the urge to take hold of her hips and pull her down on top of him. He had no idea when he’d become so unprofessional, but he needed to control himself.

  “Do I mind what?” David asked, his voice filled with tension.

  Jada huffed. “The zipper.”

  Fuck! Was Jada intending to change outfits right in front of him? He might be a gentleman, but he was also a fucking man, and there was only so much he could take. Was it possible she was intentionally teasing the shit out of him? It sure as hell felt like it.

  She wasn’t moving, so David raised his hand to the zipper, his fingers gently brushing her bare skin as he pulled it all the way down. The low cut back slipped opened even farther, fully exposing the string of her thin, white lace thong riding low across her hips. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

  David had been on more missions than he could remember. He’d faced countless infidels and spent hours on end lying on top of a hot rooftop, baking in the sun, or in cramped in tight hideouts, never taking his eyes off his mark. Being focused and diligent to the task had never been an issue. Right now, David was in an entirely different battle. Not only wasn’t he acting in his normal sniper cover role, but he was hands-on involved.

  Jada stepped away from him, returning to where she had laid out her fresh clothes. With her back still to him, he watched as she slipped the straps from her shoulders, so her dress easily glided over her hips and onto the floor. Although her dress had clung so sweetly to her body, David wouldn’t ever admit how many times last night he’d pictured what those luscious curves would look like uncovered. She was even more beautiful than he had imagined. Part of him wanted to spin her around, pull her into his arms, and explore every single inch of her.

  There was no doubt David was extremely focused on this protection detail. Maybe too much so, as he felt the blood rushing through his veins. He was a professional and brilliant at his job. But it had been a long damn time since he’d wanted a woman with the intensity he had for Jada. The last time he’d felt such attraction was when he’d been intimately involved with . . . Damn, I can’t even remember her name. Jada, on the other hand, was anything but forgettable.

  But Jada was off limits. All he knew about her was what he’d read in reports and what he’d learned from the night before. Yet now . . . now he could add what he could see—and almost touch—to his mental file.

  What didn’t help was being able to see her reflection in the chopper’s glass window. Thank fuck the door behind the pilot was closed, and they were high enough that the only one enjoying this view was him.

  There was no way he wasn’t watching. Hell, a dead man would sit up straight for this. Yet, Jada didn’t seem troubled in the least that she had an audience. Her movements were slow and almost deliberate, as she slipped on her bra, and hooked it in the back. Before putting on more clothes, she reached up and pulled out several pins holding her hair tightly on her head, letting it fall loose to the middle of her back. She ran her hands through the strands and shook her wild auburn mane. It appeared to be more of a seductive dance than a quick change of outfits.

  David didn’t want to be on this assignment, but he sure as hell didn’t want any other man doing it either. Suddenly he was angry. Was this behavior normal for her? He knew Jada lived the high-speed celebrity lifestyle. What made him think this little show was just for him? Because I’m a fucking idiot. He was done letting her play whatever little game she was playing with him.

  David rotated his captain chair to an angle that was not so obviously facing her, leaned over, and grabbed his laptop. He may want her, but she sure as hell wasn’t going to know it. When Jada spoke, David didn’t even turn to look at her.

  “Tired of the show?” Jada asked snidely.

  Never. “Nothing I haven’t seen before.”

  David could feel her eyes burning into him as though she had so much to say, yet held back. He was impressed yet again. She was not what he expected. Jada didn’t seem to run her mouth just for the sake of hearing her own voice. She seemed to choose her words carefully. It wasn’t as though she was trying to be rude as much as she was trying to remind him she was in control. David found that sexy as hell. It demonstrated why she was so successful in her modeling career. If Jada didn’t take his shit, and God knows he knew how to give it, then he was confident she wasn’t going to take anyone’s. This could be interesting.

  David heard her huff as she retrieved her gown and crammed it into her suitcase. Internally he was smiling because he knew she was frustrated as hell. Good, because the last thing I need is that woman thinking she can affect me. I’m here to do my job, and I’ll damn well do it better if I’m not distracted by her.

  Chapter Three


  Jada had no idea how she made it through that runway show but she was grateful it was over. Normally when she told one of her father’s bodyguards what to do they did it. David seemed to like to ruffle her feathers. If she said go left he went right. She wasn’t sure if it was intentional, but he seemed to be enjoying making her life difficult. What she didn’t understand was why. He was being paid to do a job, but he was acting as though he was a jealous, protective boyfriend. David kept her at arm’s length, but he never let his guard down when someone else needed to get near her. Even her hairstylist had his bags searched before entering her dressing room.

  She didn’t know what else to do. She’d already fired him once. She had called her father while he wasn’t hovering over her, and her father knew nothing about David’s dismissal. Once again something didn’t make sense. Did David think she wasn’t going to tell her father she had fired him? Was he staying so he could continue to collect a wage? If that was the case, he was really messed up. Yet when she told her father what she had done, she was shocked to learn that Turchetta’s Promise had refused payment until they apprehended the person behind the threat and ensured her safety. Maybe that’s why he’s such a nuisance. He’s not going to get paid unless he finds something. That sucked for David, because there was nothing to find. I would know if there is.

  The only thing accomplished by having David around was making her jittery. As she left
her dressing room she fully expected to see David standing outside her door. Thankfully he wasn’t, which meant she had time to exhale, but that wouldn’t last long. David was somewhere nearby.

  As Jada made her way down the hallway she passed the open dressing room where most of the models dressed. She stopped for a moment and peeked inside. It was noisy with hustling and bustling all around. There were racks of runway clothes and miscellaneous things scattered on the floor. The other models were dressed in their own garments, toasting another successful show. She missed that camaraderie. She attended formal celebrations that included a toast with the designer and a bottle of expensive champagne. She was living the glamorous life, but somewhere along the way it had become uninspiring. Empty. Sometimes I feel so alone in the midst of so many.

  Jada wanted to walk into that room, but things had changed. Stepping into that room would ruin the atmosphere. Each of these young girls was elated to be here, to be part of this experience. They were where Jada was ten years ago. They strove to be where Jada was now. None of them had any idea how lonely it was at the top.

  Heavy-hearted, she continued her way down the hall. From behind her, a high-pitched voice called out, “Miss Hope. Wait up.”

  Jada spun around to see a girl, maybe eighteen years old, rushing toward her. She wasn’t one of the models. She knew David would have stood between her and that girl, but Jada didn’t feel threatened. Seeing the pen and paper in her hand, Jada forced a smile and waited for the girl to ask for her autograph. It was something Jada never got used to: young people saying she was their hero, their idol. Jada was only doing her job. When did being beautiful equate to being a hero?