Southern Spice (Southern Desires Series Book 1) Page 12
“It was awkward and confusing.”
“You think?” Mark said. “Why was he so upset you had a husband if there isn’t anything going on between you two?”
“Mark, I only met him a few days ago. How much do you think could have gone on in that short amount of time?” She tried to defend herself, but it wasn’t working.
“You’re asking a man that question? Let’s just say a hell of a lot more could have than I hope did take place with my baby sister.”
“I am a grown woman, Mark,” she stated with her chin held up in the air. The reaction she sought was not the one she got.
“Are you saying you slept with that jerk?” His voice was one of authority.
He was taking his role as big brother way too seriously. Yeah, her parents were still out of the country, but she was about to turn thirty. There was no way Mark thought she was a virgin any longer. Or maybe he does.
“I am saying that my personal relationships are exactly that, personal.” She’d never spoken so harshly to anyone in her family before. It wasn’t her nature. Somehow the subject of Derrick was stirring up something new, and it wasn’t good. Nothing about Derrick and me seems to be good, except for how he makes me feel when I’m around him. Then I feel so alive, more than I ever have before. Maybe that’s why I feel dreadful knowing he’s gone, and I won’t see him again.
“So I’ve taken the liberty of digging up some info on your new friend while you ignored me all afternoon.”
He knew she wouldn’t be able to resist asking what he found out. She had found what she could, but he had a different level of access, one that probably wasn’t supposed to be used to snoop into someone’s personal life, especially someone like Derrick Nash. But since the deed was already done, she might as well see if he had anything that could help her understand Derrick better. Why I even want to know after the way he walked away from me this morning is beyond me.
“Are you going to make me ask, or are you just going to spill it?” she asked, her frustration with the entire day now coming out on him.
Mark only laughed. “Not the delicate little girl you used to be. Good.” He walked over and sat beside her. “This guy is dealing with some major demons that I’m not sure you’re going to be able to help him through.”
“If you’re talking about his wife and daughter, I already know. Well, some of it at least. I was hoping to get the report from my agency with the details of what happened to them. I don’t know what the holdup is with them emailing it to me.”
“I can pull some strings and get the report if you want me to—”
“No. Please, Mark. My job would be on the line if anyone knew I was looking into someone because I li—” She couldn’t believe she almost admitted to caring for him. She only wanted a small bit of information, without needing to provide any. Was that asking too much? From the looks of it, the answer is yes.
“So you like him. What is wrong with that?” Mark asked.
What changed your mind Mark? I know it wasn’t anything I said. So did you look into his background that fast? No. There was no reason to. You have to be going off your gut. But with you, Mark, I never really know. “You said it yourself. He has some issues from his past that he isn’t yet ready to move on from,” Casey said sadly. There was no way to compete with the person who was the love of his life. “If they had divorced then—”
“You’re thinking crazy. If you like this guy, which, by the way, is all over your face that you do, then don’t let thoughts of anyone else interfere with that. You’ve got to get out of your own way if you want to find happiness.”
She looked at him long and hard. “When did you get all knowledgeable about women? I don’t even remember seeing you date. As far as I know, you’re married to your job.”
“I am, but that doesn’t mean if the right person came along, that I wouldn’t make room in my life for her,” he said sincerely.
Has the entire world flipped or am I dreaming? Nothing is ordinary this week. “Well, I hope you meet someone soon because I’m tired of being the only girl in the family.”
“Don’t try changing the subject. This conversation is about you and Derrick.”
“There is no me and Derrick.” Even if I wanted there to be, it can’t be.
Mark reached out and rubbed her shoulder. “I will have to say the guy is not all that easy to read, but I could tell he cares for you. When he thought I was your husband I swear the vein on his forehead was pulsing.” His voice softened. “And when you didn’t deny it, it was crystal clear. Well, to the sheriff and me. I think you and Derrick are the only ones who haven’t figured it out yet.”
How could it be obvious to others when they didn’t know how they felt themselves? That made absolutely no sense to her. Of course, her brother becoming a relationship expert made even less sense.
“So what’s your suggestion? I mean you heard him; he’s leaving for New York. It’s not like we can sit down and talk it out.”
“He’s on the ranch, or at least his phone is.”
Her heart skipped a beat, knowing he didn’t leave. Was it because of me? No. it can’t be. There were so many reasons why he could still be there. He wasn’t at the ranch in the first place because of her. What is she supposed to do now? There’s no way I can go back to the ranch now. What reason would she give him? Everything she had with her was still here in Jack’s office. If she went now, it was only going to be to talk about what happened between them, and she wasn’t ready for that. You’re probably not either, Derrick.
“Mark, I don’t know how you got his number to even know he was on the ranch, but you need to stay out of this one. I know what I’m doing.” Which right now is lying to you. “Trust me, Mark. There are things going on in this man’s life, and I’m sure he doesn’t need or want us intruding on his privacy.” She knew if there was anything she wanted or needed to know, Mark could find it. Even more than she ever wanted to know, but that didn’t make it right. She already felt horrible about her part in prying into Derrick’s life.
Mark never responded to her request, and she didn’t expect him to. He might be her brother, but in some ways, he and Derrick were similar. Stubborn and arrogant.
“So what are you going to do?” Mark asked.
“My job.” Maybe after that I’ll have figured out what I want, but I’m fairly certain leaving Honeywell will be the first step.
Derrick had spent the remainder of his day in negotiations on another business deal. It was the kind of distraction he needed. For the last five years, it had been his chosen therapy. The only place he could escape his thoughts.
Today, no matter how hard he tried, his mind wandered back to Casey and the way he’d treated her. Why had he been so ready to think the worst of her? Was the answer so simple? He was an asshole? There was no doubt that was true. People didn’t need to be around him if they couldn’t handle his attitude. Actually, he’d prefer it if they weren’t.
What is different about you, Casey? Why do I want your company when I can’t stand being around anyone at all, not even myself? Maybe that was the answer. When he was around her, she made him forget. That was something he didn’t want to do. Something he’d promised never to do.
The sky. Don’t you ever just stop and look up? Her question had knocked him last night. No, he’d replied. When really, it should have been Not anymore, because I used to do that with my baby girl. We’d try to count stars together. She would laugh and tell me I was a silly daddy and that we could never count all the stars. “God made soooo many, Daddy, so everyone in the world could look up into the sky and see the stars.” God, how I miss her sweet face. Her dear voice. Her laughter. Casey had the same joy. The same delight. She was passionate and compassionate. It was as if her heart was tuned in to his. And he didn’t deserve that sort of . . . kindness. His life was too dark for her light. Too quiet for her energy. No, if he let Casey into his life, what was to say he wouldn’t forget all his promises to Penny and Kim?
> The silence was driving him crazy. Derrick got up from his desk and walked out of his office, filled with more questions than answers. She was only going to be around for a few more days. What good was it going to do him to stay here in Texas if he wasn’t going to see her? But having her back on the ranch wasn’t healthy for either of them.
He grabbed his keys and headed out the door. Bubba and McLean were about to pull away from the barn in the truck but stopped when they saw him.
“You need something, boss?” Bubba asked.
“A drink,” Derrick replied.
“Why don’t you hop in? We’re heading into town, to kick back a few to celebra—”
McLean laughed. “Don’t mind Bubba, he’s already feeling good.”
Derrick had never socialized with his employees, never mind the folks from town. Even when they tried so hard, I shut them out. Why open that door now?
The sun was just about to set. He turned and looked up the hill on the right. The rays were beaming down on the jacaranda tree as though Penny was smiling down on him. Maybe it was time to loosen up just a little.
“I’m not going anywhere in that old piece of shit you call a truck. Let’s take my truck.”
“What the—?” were the only words he heard from the truck before they both leaped out and half-ran to meet him by the truck. It was like they were afraid if they didn’t move quickly the moment would be gone.
“Yee haw!” Bubba shouted out the open window in the back as they sped down the driveway.
Derrick had no idea what possessed him to go willingly not only into town, but into Sissie’s bar. That was the one person he intentionally avoided every time he came to Honeywell. She had a personality bigger than the state of Texas, and he didn’t want her making it any more difficult for him walking into that bar than it already was going to be.
“You got anything to say?” Derrick asked McLean.
He tipped the rim of his hat down to cover his eyes and reclined in his seat. He wasn’t saying anything, but Derrick could see the grin on his face. Good. Keep your smart-ass remarks to yourself, you and Bubba, then you might even get a ride back to the ranch tonight.
Chapter Twelve
Jack hadn’t been lying when he’d said the local diner was the best in town. The food he’d brought back was simply to die for. There was deep-smoked, barbequed brisket, mashed potatoes, fried okra, and homemade buttermilk biscuits. Casey was normally a light eater, more of a grilled chicken salad person. When she first saw her plate she felt terrible; she knew most of it would go to waste. But in the end, Casey found herself licking the sauce off her fingers.
So when Jack suggested they head to the local bar to have some fun, instead of sitting around the jail all night, she found herself agreeing. Anything was better than sitting in a sheriff’s office alone with Mark. That was only going to lead to lots of talking, and it wasn’t going to take much for him to break her and get the scoop he wanted. Her emotions were all over the place. She was angry and hurt and yet somehow missing Derrick. Casey couldn’t understand how she could feel all of those emotions at the same time. How is that possible? But worrying about losing her mind over a man she just met wasn’t going to help any.
When she said her only concern was not having another change of clothes, Jack told her not to worry. Within minutes of making a call, her worries or excuses were over. Sissie had shown up with an outfit. The jeans fit her like a glove, the shirt accented her curves, and those boots were the shit. She felt sexy and sassy in the new duds and boots. Not a professional look at all, but it would’ve been fantastic if she were on a date. Sissie knew her fashion.
Jack had offered to give them a ride, but Casey knew if she didn’t walk off some of her meal, she’d regret it tomorrow.
As they walked to the Wild Sass Saloon, which was only a few blocks from where they were, Mark asked, “What happened to all your clothes?”
“That’s a long story.”
He laughed. “I don’t remember you ever being so full of interesting stories before. What is it about this place? Does this story include one Mr. Derrick Nash as well?”
“Have I ever told you that you can be a royal pain in m—”
“The day you turned sixteen,” Mark cut her off.
“Oh yeah. The moment Dad said I was old enough to date, you said, ‘Only if you don’t mind me coming along.’” He never actually went on the dates, but she always felt as though he was watching. He probably had been; it felt like he had eyes everywhere since her parents always knew where she’d been even before she opened her mouth.
When they entered the bar, she realized it wasn’t like the bars back home. No, this was definitely the local social hangout. Music was playing and folks were dancing, some to a line dance and others were doing the two-step. Maybe this wasn’t a great idea. She had grown up with brothers, but she’d never been comfortable dancing. Staying here risked being asked to dance. This whole scene would’ve been so much easier if they all thought Mark was my husband. At least, I would’ve had a good excuse to say no.
“Are you going to stand at the door or are we going in?” Mark teased as he nudged her farther into the room.
Casey didn’t move. She tried thinking of a plausible excuse not to go into the crowded bar. “I was looking for someplace quieter, so maybe we could talk and catch up,” she said, trying to find a way to get out of there.
“Casey, there is no way you are going to spend your thirtieth birthday in a quiet boring place when we can celebrate here.” He grabbed her hand, and half-dragged her into the room.
Is that what really brought you here? My birthday? Very slick, Mark. If there wasn’t so much going on with this assignment and Derrick, I never would’ve let something like turning the big three zero slip my mind. What else am I forgetting? It was too late to worry about that. No way would Mark let her leave anytime soon. She would be lucky if they didn’t stay to close the doors. She only hoped he didn’t have too many surprises up his sleeve, but that explained his arrival in Texas this morning. If she hadn’t been thinking so much about what happened between her and Derrick the night before, Mark wouldn’t have caught her off guard.
“Mark, I don’t want any—” It was too late. Her fears were coming true as they were interrupted by a loud, excited voice.
“Hey, everybody, look who’s arrived. It’s the birthday girl!” Sissie shouted over the already loud music and the crowd.
Everyone turned in her direction, and the bar erupted in hooting, hollering as they cheered her birthday wishes. Casey felt herself turning red and wished she could continue hiding behind Mark. He wasn’t having any of that as he seemed to be intentionally blocking her path. She’d left him alone with Jack only five minutes, and this was what he did? She looked up at her brother with a grin that said he was going to pay for this one day. He smiled down at her and gave her a kiss on the top of her head just like always. How am I supposed to be mad at you when you’re such a great brother?
Sissie made her way through the crowd until she stood with Casey and Mark. “This is gonna be so much fun and exactly what this town needs, something happy to celebrate. As you can see, no one wants to miss this.”
Casey looked at the crowd and practically everyone she had met this past week was there. I should’ve held my presentations here. Of course, I’m not sure how much of what I was saying they would’ve retained.
“And for him to show up . . . well for once I’m speechless,” Sissie said and pointed behind them.
She had no idea who Sissie could be talking about; she couldn’t imagine anyone throwing her off-guard. From the look on her face it was someone very unexpected. Casey didn’t know these people well enough to guess who that could be. If she were back in Buffalo with all her girlfriends around, she would be worried they hired a stripper. But Mark seemed to be running this show, and she knew she could cross that off the list. That didn’t mean Casey was ready to see who it was that had Sissie so shocked. Casey had enough surp
rises this week to last her until her fortieth birthday, but she might as well get it over with and see who it was.
Before she even turned around Mark’s voice was sending a warning from behind her. “We’re out celebrating her birthday tonight, so play nice or stay the hell out, Derrick.”
She wasn’t sure what shocked her most: Mark speaking as though he owned the place or the fact the Derrick was there. Not turning around was only prolonging the inevitable. Besides, these two going head-to-head could get loud and physical very quickly, as neither was bound to submit to the other. She had to do something to defuse what might come next.
Mustering up a smile she turned and said, “I thought you’d be in New York by now.”
Derrick never gave Mark a second look, and she felt his entire focus on her. His look was drawing her to him as though she had no will power to stop herself. One foot at a time, she closed the distance between them.
When they were only inches apart, he leaned forward. Without breaking eye contact with her, he asked so softly she almost wasn’t sure it was meant for her to hear. “Is that really where you want me to be?”
A yearning beyond her wildest imagination, started from the pit of her stomach and flowed through every cell of her body. Casey blinked and looked at everyone around them, watching, waiting. Had they heard? No. It was impossible. They were just watching because she was the birthday girl and tonight, unfortunately, she would be the center of attention.
Why ask her a question when he knew she couldn’t respond without causing the entire town to be suspicious of their relationship? Maybe that’s why. He is challenging me.
She had a couple options to handle this. It may be her birthday, but what she should do was remember her purpose here: business, which meant maintaining her professionalism. As she looked at Derrick, that thought flew right out the window, and the mischievous side of her took over. Well, I have news for you, Mr. Nash. Two can play at this game. Let’s see if you can handle my mischievous, flirtatious side.